
I will not be able to die happy until I see Yasiel Puig pitch an inning.

Are we sure that Left Puppy doesn’t have a leg growing out of his head?

More like the Awww Patrol

You need new friends...

You had the chance to say “parting gif” and you blew it.

Nice projection but you’re wrong. If you don’t want to support movies with Scarlet Johansson in it, that’s totally fine. That’s capitalism. I don’t go to see Sean Penn movies for the same reason.

I don’t know of the movie of which you speak, but commercial success and what it takes to get a movie made are two different things imo. You can have a big name for a movie and the movie tanks but that’s not the fault of the actor, for the most part. I guess if an actor does something so reprehensible in their private

Sad face.

I don’t think you’re wrong, I just think my opinion of the film industry and what it’s capable of/what it’s interested in... differs from yours.

Right...but that’s not Scarlett Johannsen’s fault. There’s a problem but the anger seems to be misdirected imho.

If you want to live in some sort of utopia that doesn’t exist, be my guest. The film industry is the epitome of ridiculously circular logic.

Apples and oranges...the movie got made because ScarJo is attached. This movie would not get made if it were a no-namer, no matter how good of an actor/actress they are, no matter if they’re straight or not. It comes down to bankable stars and ScarJo is just that. No investor/studio is going to take a chance like that.

Sometimes exhausting? Well then...I’ll take a nap before because there’s no way I’m not seeing this..

This is so much better than Clerks II.’s 2018...that’s “personbabies”, thank you very much.

In other news, Alice Cooper has accused Maynard Keenan of identity theft.

I liked Ex Machina a lot but always thought that I’d like to see a sequel, to see how it played out. If Westworld went in that direction, I might be re-interested but honestly...I just found that I had no connections with the characters. At all. And I tried. I didn’t care who died or who lived. I just ended up not

Consider me fucked.

I watched this season with a lot less enthusiasm as I did for the first season and only finished this season out because I finish what I’ve started. But I’ve already deleted my season pass and will not be watching next season. But HBO still got my money.

I saw Echo and the Bunnymen play Crocodiles and Heaven Up Here in a concert a few years ago. I thought it was great but mainly because I hadn’t found out about them until Ocean Rain and well...I had a good time.