Yeah, I saw that.
Yeah, I saw that.
And you know it has to be a trilogy....Trio: Revenge of the Wookiee
you sound like a scoundrel... scruffy nerf herder neck beards with their own youtube channels...
Kiss the piss!
I’m looking forward to this. But then I’m really excited about Solo too so I may not be the best judge of movies who have new actors playing iconic stars.
I’ve been in various bands, none you would’ve ever heard of unless you listened to college radio in Illinois, August of 1988...but being a drummer first/bassist second, I listen to the bass line and the rhythm to a song before I hear the hook. And I rarely listen to the words. I don’t know the words to songs or…
I almost...almost did a spit take for realz. Thank you for that.
Good, that’s one less person looking at their phone while I’m trying to enjoy the movie!
What if the other Wookiee is Chewbacca’s mom, you sick bastard?
Insert streaming service...that’s hot.
I recently read that LMOE was gearing up for one last season. You can’t tell me Fox couldn’t have given them that. That’s pretty honked up.
Just like Lost!
In a rootbeer can...with steam coming out of it...
At the Hollywood Palladium? With JATM? Oh hell yes I’m going.
You sound like a Trump supporter.
Sick burn, you got me.
And rightly so. Dr. Dre messed with the wrong Dr. Va-jay jay.
I bet you’re fun at parties.
I can’t. That’s what makes me smart. But if I were a betting man, the overwhelming majority of Trump voters were the “anyone but Hillary” middle of the road, right leaning type of person. They’re not dumb, they’re not lazy...they didn’t want Hillary. Plain and simple. If it had not been Trump, fill in the blank…