
I like what’s covering her good heart.

Killin’ is my bidness...and bidness been good!


That only works if you can stay alive.

The main guy doesn’t look or act like Harrison Ford? What trailer are you watching? I thought he does a pretty good job. Does it work for 2 hours? We’ll see.

She’s got spunk!

Having not read the book, I would’ve been fine not seeing this movie but I’m really glad I saw it and yes, after seeing the movie the thought of reading the book is intriguing. The scene I was imagining would’ve been great in 3D was the scene(s) with King Kong btw.


I’m probably above the age demographic for this movie and my son is below the demographic for this movie and we both really liked it. It was very Spielbergy and although not his best obviously, it was really good imho. If people are complaining about the pop culture references...then we truly have hit the zenith as to

I was yelling at the tv “Moley moley moley!”

He’s going to wake up in bed next to Suzanne Pleshette!

When my wife is tired, unless the house is on fire...if she says it can wait until morning, you should wait until the morning. Philip handled that like someone who knows.

That was such a great touch.

Typing on a treadmill while smoking is something Carrie would do.

Worse than imagined? I’ve got a pretty good imagination and I imagined it to be really, really bad.

Real World and Road Trip? It all started with Seven Up!

We should shun Sean Penn because he has abused women (in the past for sure, who knows now) and he hangs out with drug cartel king pins and communist dictators. That’s why I’ve shunned him. Your mileage may vary.


There’s a team that I can’t find on the googs right now but they’re essentially a home run hitting team that go all around the country and take BP before MLB games etc. and just destroy the ball. Of course, if any of them could hit major league pitching, they wouldn’t be doing this’s a thing.

Trujillo’s environmental record was good? Well thank GOODNESS! I wouldn’t want to have to think of him as a bad guy, what with all the atrocities and such.