
I love Jackass but c’mon. I was jumping over my friends on my bike in the 70s-80s. Unsuccessfully I might add. The only difference is, we didn’t have video cameras. And access to gallons of horse semen.

Netflix has become the CBS of streaming services.

You didn’t?

This is the movie America deserves.

Although I feel for anyone losing a job, I have a feeling those 300 people will look back and be happy they were let go before the whole company implodes. I’m in it for Stranger Things and then I am out.

Wowww WOWWWWww

Once again, he’s the King of Assgard.

These shirts are not my style but this one always made me giggle like a schoolgirl

I’m really looking forward to catching up with my favorite vampires.

What about the voices of “my” victims? Asking for a friend.

I can’t believe I’m saying this...but I’m looking forward to Minions. To put it into context, I’m REALLY looking forward to Thor but still.

Baz Luhrmann’s campy excesses overshadow the King’s essence is the exact reason why I’m going to see this film. If Luhrmann is not being excessively campy, then what’s the point?

Moisture farmer. And known to herd Nerfs.

Love the show or hate it, but can we do away with this stupid “does it warrant its existence?” bullshit? If this is the new filter in which we judge creative endeavors, I’m taking my ball and going home.

From what we’ve seen of the Force, especially lately, using the Force can be an exhausting action. Fooling stormtroopers is way down on the exhaustion level meter but throwing car sized boulders can make for a tiring day. So, in my understanding of it, even if you’re a Jedi, you don’t have an unlimited supply of the

Yes. Season 3 was fun but Season 4 is dark and very well done, like Season 1. You can tell the Duffer Brothers are getting better at what they do as the series moves along. This season, to me, is them really hitting their stride.

I saw it and it’s fine. It’s fine. The theater was packed, probably more adults than kids to be honest. It’s a good movie. It’s not their best but it’s definitely not their worst. I think people just want to complain about something. And the explanation on “what” it is is not necessary unless you’re a particular kind

He got a special thanks in the credits.

Ball sack. It’s a ball sack.

The When She Loved Me sequence where Jesse realizes she’s been replaced by lipstick and boys makes me tear up just thinking about it. That scene is equal to anything they’ve ever done as “best scene ever”. It’s a masterpiece of storytelling the way the first 10 minutes of Up and the incinerator scene in TS3.