
Absolutely, this is the way forward for the show if it goes long term.

Words to live by, brother!

First two seasons are on Netflix

Wherefore art thou, Sleepy Hollow forum?

Legitimate question: Could you explain "death flag"?

Think of the fun Abed would be having with this show.

Best "What's On Tonight" ever!

"The show pretends to remember the stuff…" - indeed.
Plenty ridiculous yet not satisfyingly ridiculous enough of a conclusion.

'Crème des strigoi'-

Definitely, it's been the secret reward for witnessing this trainwreck.

An absolutely comprehensive and fantastic interview.

An absolutely comprehensive and fantastic interview.

I need more comments. I love you, domers.

Up voted for "Shitshow"

Comment of the year!!

My eyebrows shall join him.

That avatar…

Only Amazon Prime streaming or the DVDs. Try your local library.


Thanks for articulating exactly what I'm feeling. Surmise I'm about the same age and went through with watching, it was wonderful but that blueness did come to visit and linger well into the wee hours once it was done.