“Fuck America” being uttered by an non-American while on American soil should result in an automatic one way trip out.
“Fuck America” being uttered by an non-American while on American soil should result in an automatic one way trip out.
A Qatari Sheikh behaves in such a way, yet the Islamists blame America and want to kill Americans. Irony.
A loooong, low whistle followed by chuckling and hand rubbing by the mechanic under the car.
I don’t even know why they falsely claimed Diplomatic Immunity, this is America, they have Wealthy Immunity.
By proxy, Russia is going to control Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Oil, strategic ports, trade, and global influence. You know, all the things we used to care about before Obama took us into the postmodern era, in which all we need are good feelings and a sense that we’re ‘on the right side of history’, whatever that means.
Assad > ISIS, I mean for real. Bush opened Pandoras box and now 13 years later it’s basically Road Warrior out there. Putin and Russia have every right to keep their Naval port just as in Ukraine. Why are we so hell bent on pushing everyone around to what end? To prop up Saudi Kings and Princes?
Is it just me or is this like the F-111 debacle? One aircraft for all services. $$$$$ later, one service, one ally?
The program was (deliberately) structured to be politically unkillable. Some facet of it has led to jobs and/or investment in damn near every state in the union, and that’s before the hype-and-propaganda people have even lifted a finger.
It would have been easier to develop sensor fusion on an existing airframe first.
The crowning irony: if I’m not mistaken, the deepest root of the F-35 was a mostly-Marine desire for a Harrier successor. I wonder if, had the program stayed focused on that finite and mission driven set of requirements, it might have been a success story by now.
It took 7 years, 1 months, and 25 days from Kennedy’s challenge to go to the moon to landing on it. How much more time (and money) does the F-35 get?
About 10 years and 4 jobs ago, I was on the JSF program. The director of our department was notorious for two things:
Please. It was Euro DisneyLand at best.
In ESPN’s motherlode about the Patriots’ hilarious history of cheating over the last decade and a half, you’ll…
“How did we have such great success if we cheated?”
I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.
You guys are overthinking this. I know this wasn’t a proper tackle. I get that. What I’m saying is you see these type of hits all the time. It’s a typical hit in that regard. I KNOW it was a dangerous hit. I KNOW it was a bad tackle. I’m not debating that. All I’m saying is you see stuff like this occur in games.
I, for one, died inside when I read this.
I figuratively love you, Larry.