
Backup QB with controversy surrounding him is an oxymoronic combination. That’s not rocket science, that’s good business sense and a desire for a focused locker room.

“Backup QB” and “distraction” are an oxymoronic combination.

So what about Kap as a starter?
1) have to build your offense around him, a-la his 49ers glory days
2) expensive (veteran) + distraction; not necessarily an oxymoronic combination (look at Michael Vick) but combined with #1, why bother?

So let’s look at

The Juice Is Loose.

1) The Soviet-era system does rely on a perimeter radar which is VHF, and not UHF, the latter of which deals with blackout much better. (UHF is much-more expensive when you’re talking building-sized phased-array radars)

* Sorry, this is in response to the same quote (By dozenfury) and not to you, DramaLlamma

Don’t bury the facts behind “ICBM technology.”

American solid-fuel rocket motor technology outstrips that of the Sovie.... I mean Russians, or else our SLBM’s wouldn’t be so far ranged, accurate & boast greater throw-weight’s than

My fanvote goes to Super Duper Hornet & Super Tomcat 21.
That’ll be range and reach to spare, and they’re not dedicated bomb trucks, either of them.

You misread or are ignorant of some very important bits about the history of the ICBM. They were primarily valued for, as you correctly point out, the ease with which they can be used (they’re deep in the American continent, armored behind slags of concrete, and get to the Soviet Union in ~22 minutes; I’m being

What about the 3rd world in 25 years?

Then I misread you; sorry.
My slur stands, though not against you. :P

It’s remarkable how EV advocates sound like a Lockheed Martin salespersons on a glossy brochure video of some failing weapons system.

A regular edgelord.

Is this really a good idea?

Really, we’re at the logical conclusion of the entire shift in the DoD JFKennedy put us on in the early 60's.

In the 50's, Eisenhower, LeMay & SAC largely set & enforced American military strategy: massive retaliation. Or really, just massive attack. (in the actual era of SAM’s in America our air bases were not

Neither North Korea or Russia would let us know when they planned on launching a real nuclear weapon at the United States. And the Missile Defense Agency also wouldn’t have the luxury of knowing in advance which delivery system would carry out the launch.

Guilty until proven innocent then.

If Trump gets a nominal ceasefire even for a short period of time OMG PUTIN’S LAPDOG.

Where is the internal consistency?

I get if people just don’t like Trump, but don’t (talking @ Mr. Starr here) don’t pretend you’re being objective. I know the difference