
sweetie if you think you have even a microscopic effect on my mood you must think pretty highly of yourself :) :) god bless~~ xoxoxoxo

I’m sorry my life story is so triggering for you :^/ I hope you get some time at your therapist too for how triggered you’re getting! Bet your life is real tough, I can’t imagine being a giant slug, so best wishes xoxo

Does my alleged lack of intelligence trigger you? Or does my financial status trigger you? Gosh I didn’t know using bad grammar on the internet when interacting with some random clown was how to gauge someone’s intelligence, the more you know I guess!
But I mean, if I was super rich and smart I wouldn’t be on here,

Sounds like my grammar triggered you huh

Indie studios don’t have 60 million dollars sitting around to throw at making AAA games like big publishers do my guy

Sounds like your triggered mate

maybe they’re just balls of jello, i mean, you never know what could be in a robot.

maybe its just me but this seems like a really stupid thing to be upset about

oh yeah I forgot girls don’t buy consoles or care about computers its for boys only.

Ohhhhhh nice. I loved Myst I played that game a whole lot as a kid. It was such a weird game and fueled my imagination lol. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on this.

People are in shock that a game made by 11 people feels like a game that was made by 11 people.

Its a lot less annoying than people complaining about it every 2 seconds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To be fair, most planets in reality would be barren, boring rocks. It would be exceptionally rare to find a planet like Earth. Not to mention playing the game I’ve seen about an even split of barren + lush planets..

Well I guess you and Fish both have something in common. (Hint: you’re both obnoxious).

Same w/ my first planet, was a really pretty cold planet w/ neat trees on it and a green atmosphere

“You see those space mountains over there? You can climb them!” - Todd Murray

I could honestly care less about multiplayer in games unless they’re specifically geared toward it (e.g. Overwatch), the game is fine without it, and there are plenty of other options for mutliplayer out there. And if they do eventually add it? Then that’s cool.

I play swtor a lot and I take a million screenshots of it in fraps, I have so many awkward mid-blink screenshots, awkward facial expressions in the middle of talking, companion photobombs, weird bugs (one of my favorites being a bug where characters appear twice in a cutscene, and i have one with Theron standing on

You’re assuming that compulsions aren’t a debilitating disorder (see: OCD), though. Which is something video game companies (generally ones with money shops or “pay to win” models) prey on. It’s the same thing that casinos make billions off of, they know that their biggest market is people with addictive or compulsive