
I liked this episode and my take cleaved pretty closely with the reviewer’s, but this is astute; introducing a means to experience the Good Place as an entailment of “connection,” in its many expressions, seems to touch the root of the issue. I’m thinking of CS Lewis’ vision of hell as something strikingly like the

I was happy to see Vicky again, but Jason was the MVP for me. But what did he shout at the end? NBC subs were strangely quiet.

Hey, that was El-P delivering food to the dumpling place!

Yes, but she’s on Team Mayo! Maybe she’s a Friend of Kenji.

I gather that “One for the Ladies” is supposed to evoke “goop,” but it’s worth noting that this episode seems to pass the Bechdel Test, too.

Nice one.

I don’t want to give to much away, but William Jackson Harper is in the second series of “Jack Ryan (episode 5),” and he echoes a Chidi line from season 2. Fan service is the last refuge of a scoundrel, except for this one case.

The straight-to-VHS music accompanying the Hallowe’en weed was a nice touch. Visually and aurally, “South Park” gets more impressive each season. Butters’ storyline’s resolution was typically downbeat for South Park, but still made me cringe. Still, the gaslighting parallels aside, this didn’t feel like a very

The music’s been consistently strong these last few seasons (especially the bedroom vaccination scene in last week’s episode and the Johnny Greenwood-inspired “There Will Be Blood” bits in this one), and I’m surprised that it doesn’t get much attention. I wonder if it’s all Parker’s work.

Cersei’s frustration and disappointment upon learning that there are no elephants is a tell: I’m sorry, guys, but there will be no ice spiders, big as hounds. =|

Hey, that’s astute.

Yeah, I didn’t see it as resignation, or at least it felt less defeated than that suggests. I like to think Gatsby Let Beth Go and moved on with his own life. I reckon if the show can speculate about dog fantasies, I can speculate about the dog’s emotional maturity.

Nice catch! It’s not Maggie Gyllenhaal as Clare Quilty’s dance partner in “Donnie Darko,” but ‘nuff respect.

Billy’s an alarmingly accurate throwback to a species of creep that was common when I was the kids’ age. The “Silence of the Lambs” reference in his bedroom scene doesn’t add anything to the story, but it was still pretty satisfying to catch.

The actors touch on this in the “Beyond Stranger Things” analysis show on Netflix - something like “if Lucas had found it, there wouldn’t have been a second episode with Dart.” I think that reasoning is sound.

I'm 99% sure Sam left the book of annulments in Oldtown, and while I was pissed at first, I realize now that it will be more legitimate if it commes from there.


He's gonna die, and you can just tell. Right?

"Qyburn Gonna Qyburn: I’m sort of desperate to know what he’s up to, but given that his last big scheme was a scorpion that didn’t even slow Drogon down for more than a few minutes, I’m preparing myself to be underwhelmed."

You wouldn't think this was a B+ episode, reading this review.
So, how long until Sam gets the boot from the Citadel for borrowing books from the adult section?