Synchronise Your Dogmas

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

Oh, wow! I love that someone has finally sculpted the Wire Fairy Queen. That's my favourite children's fable: the Wire Fairy Queen!

Oh I didn't realize you'd pre-paid for the next book. Of course in that case you're allowed to hurl all the vicious invective you want at the man of whose work you are apparently fond.

"Duke's not in his office? No surprise. He's probably just giving Chance another 'performance evaluation' to see what kind of 'raise' he should get this year. Or maybe it's a 'holiday bonus." Whatever. So I go looking for him - he's not making coffee, he's not inflating condoms with helium for yet another lewd office

What are you talking about? That last item is totally real.