Synchronise Your Dogmas

I think GotG had it all for a Marvel film - it had a brilliant cast (seriously), some amazing effects and visuals (they really laid down the gauntlet to that prat JJ Abrams with the space visuals), it had some pretty damned hilarious moments - I'm still cackling re: Rocky and the fake leg - and, to top it off, it has

Ah - sorry, I should have said "since we popped into yet-another brief warm period before we have our arses handed to us on a collective plate by Mother Nature saying 'suckaaaaas!' and get dropped into the freezer".

Agree with this. Here in Scotland we're still going up in the world after the last Ice Age, and apparently bits of southern England are sinking. We're going up by something like 10cm per year, whilst southern England and parts of Ireland are sinking at 5cm per year.

That garden *did* look awfully control-room-like, didn't it?

Would it be so wrong for them to throw in just one "fuckety-bye!" to a Dalek? Really? Really?

I always said that when Capaldi took over the role, that Who would see a drop off in the fans who expect the Doctor to be some young little sexy thing. Capaldi, I hate to tell you all this, is a fucking exceptional actor and this show has been missing that for some time (thanks, mostly, to the stupid and inept acting

You just HAD to go and ruin my dreams, didn't you? I curse you! To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee!

I quite liked the last eruption. There was a period, for a few days, where the skies were crystalline blue over Scotland and you didn't need to be annoyed by the whining rumble of yet-another-Ryanair jet passing overhead. Wonder if that'll happen this time...

Good God. Does the snake manifest itself out of her butt?!

I take it no one's going to address the sheer stupidity of Sailor Moon's outfits over the years or even, well, just the brain-melting horror that is Sailor Moon?

Christ alive, it's Showgirls: The Manga.

I remember, years and years ago, an epic fanwank that became famous for someone's much-laughed-at claim that the anus is self-lubricating. That was poor erotic fan-fiction. And, baby, I've read and seen it all. From Harry Potter having arse-babies (no, really, he shits 'em out) to Twilight, right through to the

RE: showers in gyms - the gym my mate and I go to has a pretty big sign up in the locker room telling the patrons that showering in underwear/swimwear is not allowed on hygiene grounds. They recently installed private shower stalls, but the sign's still up there. Seriously, guys, just take the damned things off,

Now, see, this is why you should invest in decent swimwear from a decent company that has some idea of what they're doing, like Speedo, etc. Mind you, one of my mates (who isn't, ahem, the smallest boy out there) wears Aussiebum swimwear (he has about ten pairs. His wife despairs) and as anyone who knows anything

Buffalo Central Terminal actually breaks my heart a little. The sad thing is that I cannot think for the life of me a good alternative use for the structure. Similarly, the abandoned towers still in construction in Rio, Bangkok and Krakow - just pull them down. Isn't there a time limit as to how long an exposed

Too small to be Ships from the Culture books. Those ships were big on a scale that make the Enterprise look like one of those cheap toys you find at the bottom of a box of cereal.

I don't really think that Harry has a modern British political equivalent. Our politicians - even the hateful bigot known as Nigel Farage - are all identikit bland grey men and women.

The passionflower is actually strangely beautiful. Almost like one of yon early 1990s fractal art programs left running on a Windows 95 IBM for too long...

I think you've just earned yourself a "Bazinga, punk!"

You mean you never greased up the bars on the climbing frame, or spiked their milk with salt, or any other limitless combination of potentially-lethal revenge tricks? Gosh.