
I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.

The famously progressive city of Berkeley California “celebrated” the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of the New World by changing Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. That was back in 1992. Today America itself is undergoing an ideological transformation that will soon turn it into a country-sized

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

As the exhausted patient of a dental practice that blasts Christian music, has Christian “art” everywhere, and whose employees ask me occasionally what church I go to, I say with excitement, sue their Christian asses out of business.