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    I usually discuss SU with my friend. Usually we agree on most things but this is one of those shows where we always seem to have a difference of opinion on. It's not bad and it has yet to ruin our friendship.
    This was one of those episodes where we had a difference if opinion that might have been influenced by our

    It's not even that that bothers me. In a way Finn is a vetted dungeon crawler. He knows the 'rules' and so on as seen with the dungeon crawl he did with FP, the dungeon train, the dungeon Joshua made for them, many more and even the entrance to the cave by mentioning traps in the foyer. Although I can see that the

    I have the book, the book of short stories, both audible books, and have watched this…goodness I didn't notice I was collecting Clarks work like that.
    Usually I dislike book to film adaptation, they have to condense so much to fit a time frame but seeing that this was a mini series I was more willing to watch.

    I can do musicals but for the longest time the synchronized singing and dancing bugged me, with the exception of very few parody movies no one ever really sort of addressed this strange phenomena of everyone knowing the lyrics and moves to a number. I always imagined how horrible it would be to live in a world where

    One of my fears with the finale of this season was how they might wrap this all up. Although I enjoyed The Coon and Friends the ending left much to be desired, at least for me, it was funny and random but still building it up for that anti-climatic moment was like a huge screw to the audience. Again I still enjoyed it.

    Yeah that's a total subversion of Chekov's Gun.

    I love Psychonauts. It's one of those games that has stood the test of time. If this was started a few years ago I would have invested instantly, no questions asked. But now not so much and that's mainly because of Tim.

    You just had to wedge that in there didn't you?

    But didn't someone make a webcomic based on the McGee inspired Strawberry Shortcake?

    They may be in the same vein as Demi in this episode.
    I have read the comments made on plus-sized models, you'll have the commentors who will shame their size and then those who will call them lovely and a lot of those who call them brave for being plus-sized models. And it's the brave comments that gives them some

    And in a more darker tone having Butters be the one to execute reality pushes on with him being their filter. The dirty deed is on his hands while they reap the positives of Reality being dead and therefor unable to invade upon their safe spaces pushing on the idea that they don't really care for Butters but what he

    I actually understand what you mean. You need that voice of reason within the show to be that of the frustrated viewers in a way. But the thing is even with that undercurrent of intelligence some shows just don't do well if it isn't handled properly. I hate to bring this one up but think of Allen Gregory. I already

    Isn't it rumored that Jon Lovitz kicked AD's narrow behind for that?

    I'm still a bit amazed that Vidalia keeps a shot gun around with a kid like Onion. I pray that thing is never ever loaded. But on the other hand I sorta like that she will protect her home…wonder if she did any gem stuff back in the day with Am and the rest.

    Oh don't be a heel and try to stop it. Might be some of the best things to come from this arch.

    I was finally able to watch this episode and the kindergarten was creepy enough but now knowing about the other experiment just made it horrifying.

    A year later and I'm still going back and rewatching this and looking for as many opinions on this episode that I can. Poor Wendy for a long while her character was often hit or miss with me with a lot of misses until the latest seasons where it feels like they've finally figured her out. I look at the Wendy of this

    I love this series and not only for the references but for the changes that they made. My mother and I have been a Scooby-Doo fan for years, when they started with the revival via the cartoon movies we were excited…at first. Then they started pouring out more and more of them with a majority of the films being more