
A bunch of women with 5 brain cells between them, all thinking they’re queen bee. Real WAGS (Gisele, Victoria Beckham) don’t need to wear three layers of makeup everyday, constantly reciting “I’m up here, you’re down there,” and dress like “working women” every time they step out the door.

That is bizarre the way she acting in that video. Apparently her squad seem crumbling away.

Obsessed fans are pathetic.

Even a blind man can tell you it’s a publicity stunt.

She's a matronly-looking 25 yr old b*tch. That's why guys don't want anything to do with her. Apparently someone forgot to send her that memo.

Women are instigators of drama more often than not. I wouldn't be surprised if he's getting pressure off field. If a speculation didn't have an ounce of truth to it, she wouldn't have bothered to be bothered enough by it to respond.