
This is going to make a great episode of drunk history one day.

My first name is Jasmine and i don’t hate it but I strongly dislike it. I have a cousin that is the same age as me that has the same first and last name and we went to the same school. I had at least 2 girls in my classes at all levels that had the name Jasmine ( sometimes different spellings)

Ugh Caputo having to be told to call Poussey’s dad!

I have a Samsung too and i bought a digital copy on Amazon

I know this has nothing to do with what this article is about but why does our first lady the amazing Michelle Obama have to share her cover at all let alone with Meghan?

God can you imagine what the secret service and paparazzi would put the people who live in those struggling neighborhoods through?

They have had several reality shows the one I'm talking about was filmed when she was doing this album

They were doing a reality show around the time she was recording this album and she was wearing roca wear in like every other shot and David was wearing timberlands the whole time 😂

My first name is so blah that I went my whole school life with at least 2 other girls with m first name in every class. And on top of that I have a cousin that shares the same first and last name as me, we were born 3 months apart , and we went to the same schools 😑

I'm 25 and I know who she is. I can't name any of her movies off the top of my head but I know I have seen them.

His girlfriend was just ugh .