
In Georgia, there's a one time tax (call the TAVT) on titling a vehicle. If you bought new, you pay a percentage of whatever actual price the dealership gave you. I imagine it'd be pretty easy to include such a clause in other legislation.

Speaking as a new resident of Georgia: Fuck the TAVT. It arbitrarily penalizes used car sales and the trade in value deduction is an absurd handout to both new and used car dealerships over private sellers. I have yet to see even a theoretically convincing defense of the system, nor have I seen individuals writing

Okay, who is this guy? Old Adéwalé? I haven't played much DLC since "Lucy was a Templar!" was made into a DLC item, so I missed Freedom's Cry.

MORE LIKE "Assassin's Creed: Brogue" amirite laddie?

Hey! That's my mobo! There's your cousin there, lil' guy.

Sure, and some people genuinely believe the earth was created through the active intervention of a deity about six thousand years ago. I want neither that nor the view that the dress is white discussed in classes other than comparative anthropology.

Seeing as there's an actual dress out there and it can be conclusively established that some people are wrong while other people are right, it seems like this would be a better graphic for anti-vaccination or pro-creationism groups than the ACLU.

I highly recommend the guides of the inimitable frogbeastegg when it comes to Total War. Here's her guide for Shogun 2:


When I want to transfer files between my PC and my phone, I just plug my phone into a my PC directly. I vaguely recall having to change a setting so it opens Windows Explorer instead of an automatic-pictures-backup routine (treating the phone as just a camera). I'm using Android 5.0.1 and Windows 8.1 now, but I

When I want to transfer files between my PC and my phone, I just plug my phone into a my PC directly. I vaguely

The Monoprice 27 inch IPS-Zero-G display is one of our favorite affordable alternatives to expensive big-screen displays, and full disclosure, I nominated it because I own one myself. It's a great IPS panel, albeit on the expensive end of our roundup at around $350 direct from Monoprice (although they're often on

Since they put us in concentration camps. -The Japs

Dick & Liz Cheney are right there with you.

Huh. I hadn't thought of Talion and his spirit elf-friend Celebrimbor's magical abilities being anything like the ones bestowed upon those wearing the ring. Cool thought.


The suspect has been identified as known Wizard Class hacker "Aoi"

"I'm richly scheduled."

My motion sensor says there's an alien just ahead!

Poor, poor... Nebraska, right?

"Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East."