...people do that?
...people do that?
...a manticore?
You know how the internet loves cats? That started on 4chan. On /b/, no less.
...is that a steering wheel behind his knees?
I'm generally pretty skeptical of cosplay, and I'd never try this sort of thing. Still, I've got to give them props for embracing their own dorkiness, and it's certainly more original than another onslaught of engagement photos featuring champagne flutes and tasteful beige dinner jackets.
Ready to go back to Ferelden and cast all sorts of butt-kicking enchantments on your enemies? First, you'll need to check if your silicone cauldron has the goods to run BioWare's next fantasy adventure.
No, it's more like saying "Well I could burn the building down..." while waiting for your midnight showing of Office Space to start.
I can't tell if zertigerds is making fun of your political correctness, or honestly would like you to change the image again to be more inclusive, but *he's right either way*
Apparently I should have a spiderplant. Ah, spiderplants, I can never think of them without remembering the first time I read "Houseplants of Gor", coincidentally in another Gawker comments section.
Why has no author or commenter investigated whether Douglas Adams remembered his towel during the incident?
My god... they get them from China, don't they?
Incidentally, I'm not trying to be harsh in the last paragraph, just realistic about the difficulty of switching operating systems, especially with mediocre hardware. It's the main reason I've never seriously considered owning a Mac, which I've heard are generally pretty solid machines.
"And why should I have to do that just to get the calculator? Have we gone back to 1990?"
"The goddamned calculator runs in full-screen mode only."
Go do your desktop, hit Windows, type "calculator", and hit enter. You get the same calculator program that our forefathers used and have passed down since 3.1
It's a good read, but the Highland Park ISD board banned it because of a scene involving an underage girl who tries to force herself on the main character and later accuses him of rape.
Troll detected. Goodbye.
Being an openly atheist candidate for public office in 2014 is a political statement.
Eric, you may dispense wise financial advice, but now I'm skeptical about your appreciation for irony.
I think this is an unfortunate metaphor, given the way roller coasters work.
All I can think of - "Are you not entertained?"