
You missed the point of Valve doing play tests. They do it to make their levels a solid experience, not to cater to a larger demographic. This is rare in the gaming industry and it shows. You may not personally like Valve, but you don't have to in order to appreciate how much care they put in their game.

I don't think it comes as a shock to anybody that Steve is an asshole. I remember an article a while back talking about the first iPhone prototype in 2006 and he basically did the same thing.

I think it's a pretty unfair comparison. RRoD means you can't play anything, but you can go over to a friends house or buy a new one and you're good to go. PSN outtage means nobody can play anything online, but you can still play single player, watch Netflix, or DVDs/Blu-rays.

Crap, I forgot about that Blops. And Halo apparently. Dag nabbit!

I can see what you're saying.

I think it's better that she doesn't speak. Half Life, Halo, Call of Duty (I dont think the playable character speaks, correct me if I'm wrong), etc. are all great games, but I got really into being the character, precisely because they didn't speak and ruin the suspension of disbelief. That's not to say that all

Stick your head out the window and then let me know if the person on the other end can hear you. I think that would be comparable to being at 29,000 feet.

It'll be interesting to see if those high end gloves that help use touchscreen devices have enough protection against frostbite. Even with layers upon layers of clothes and very high end gloves, people still get frostbite without exposing their flesh to the elements. No, I think the simplest explanation is that he

Possible, but given that most climbers concentrate on the already difficult task of climbing to the summit, it doubt it.

Wind? Plus that, how would it know to do a ! after "no 9"?

I'm surprised he typed so well given that skin exposure to the elements at that altitude, even for a minute or two, increases your chance of frostbite dramatically.

I think of it like this: If I bought the extended warranties for each electronic item I bought, I would have spend thousands of dollars. How many broke before their manufacturer's warranty? None. Will some things break before that warranty? Yes. But for me, that happens rarely. I'd rather spend 200 repairing something

This is my personal opinion. It's not going to change. Feel free to continue arguing.

You're missing the point of that statement. Obviously companies want money, so they make their prices competitive. And if you're unhappy, they try to make you happy. But that's not because they want you to be happy, they just want you to continue doing business with them and to recommend them to others.

I actually really liked this car. I liked the look since I first saw it in The Matrix: Revolutions. And I fell in love with how it drove during a test drive event.

Must be working for the same jack ass as I used to. My condolences.

I shit you not, I heard a Best Buy employee say "Yeah, the 360 can play Blu-ray."


Again, problem solved.

Yeah, it's...wait. What? Where did video games come from?