Half Life 2: Episode 2, the ending where...
Half Life 2: Episode 2, the ending where...
Bravo, Mike. I got information AND humor.
I took a tour of Pixar once for school. It was amazing. This video captures the great energy there, especially during lunch.
Give a guy a scare?
Great, now I don't have to make up fake zip codes just to get my damn $50 hdmi cables
This is the one instance, Mike, where I DO NOT envy your job.
Great article, but I feel like a few important things were left out:
I guess revenge is a dish best served luke warm with a side of lame sauce.
@alexbropa: <3'ed
@Boomshadow: just a bit
Thinking back on my history with the first iPhone, I always waited a month after the initial flood and never waited longer than 15 minutes to walk out of the store with a new toy.
@Man_Of_Leisure: yeah, they were prepared to take all of these sucker's money.
Looks like an idea I had for a Martini glass with an ash tray at the base. Unfortunately my prototype had a design flaw; gravity.
I love WWII games too, but enough is enough. Otherwise game companies are going to keep churning out half assed games like The Saboteur or Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
@vinod1978: lol. Nice.
As long as Scott Redmond is CEO of Clever Industries LLC, we'll be okay.
@W10002: "You're next."
@LabNerd: Or just don't go to Norway.