
@pirate_: Do you work at Best Buy by chance?

@Sobersean: aka Doctor Aquafresh: Thanks, Doc. I hope in the near future more studios will adopt a more open environment for creativity and thinking outside of the box. Simply having an idea and fighting for it until the last breath doesn't accomplish anything. At the very least, one must concede if the dissenting

As a former EA employee, I can say for certain that they are going about this completely wrong.

The problem with games like these is the environments are almost entirely too dark for anyone to see all that detail.

@[ZTF]Auspiciously Liminal: aw c'mon. Everytime we see someone go "I'm sorry for doing this. It was wrong and I should have known better..." we all say to ourselves "BULLSHIT. Who's the puppet master behind this charade? I'd like to kick him in the nuts and piss in his coffee."

Luke, your article was well written, but you're missing the whole point of Star Trek. Star Trek isn't about fighting or action, it's about ethics and diplomacy.

@pg8472: Man, I've been searching for years with no luck until now. Thanks!

Does anybody remember a Star Trek game from the 90's. It was on a Apple, I believe, black and white. You controlled a starship from bird's eye view, go into warp, fire phasers/torpedo's, etc. I can't find any info.

@Nudgenudge: that may be the single most truthful statement ever made by a human being. You obviously are not Steve Jobs nor Mr. Molyneux

@StoicPersonEater: I think it's ironic that the Italian woman was talking to an Italian newspaper in English. /sarcasm

@omgJOHN: It's a dream job, you know if you want to get into Production and actually have some clout (usually at smaller companies), and can rub elbows with Producers. Or, you didn't go to college and have no ambition.

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Out of all the companies I've done QA for, Sony was the worst. They don't care about you, the job is mindless, and the pay is abysmal.

@Batousi: Actually, the real reason we as gamers never get proper respect is because:

@QualityJeverage: RUSE is awesome, if you are into the whole WW2 RTS genre.

Do they really expect people to go ga-ga over a router on wheels?

@Friedhamster: to answer where is CS2, last I heard FASA sold the rights to Smith and Tinker (along with Mechwarrior and another FASA game?). They recently got 35 million in private funding, so...hopefully soon.