
Pretty much.

What is this from? It seems to have the amazing ability to make 90s kids cry, and I want to harness that power for myself...

Yeah, no that’s bullshit. Poor people are all lumped together as being society’s trash by more affluent types. If conservative news has been saying that crap exclusively about black people, then that’s because conservative news. Conservative news has also been subscribing to everything Trump lies about as being the

Filed to Smash Bros? That’s a stretch, mate.

Honestly, I like the way Paladins goes about it. They’re another hero shooter game that leans more on the MOBA side of the genre. I rarely encounter toxic players in that game, and most of the toxic players are limited to spamming the in-game text callout system. No one uses voice chat since it’s easier to just use

A lot of top players have “smurf” accounts because they want to play with lower-ranked friends. Ironically, it’s actually much easier to shoot up the ranks on a new account, since you don’t have the history of your learning the game dragging down your MMR.

Whenever I play Overwatch I make it a point to be positive, give complements aplenty, and make solid callouts. I’m almost always met with stunned silence, as if a positive experience is a unicorn. I complemented someone on her gamesense and made callouts the whole game, and she literally asked me why.

They demand only the best from developers, and in return create the best videogame experiences. It’s a good, if rather stressful, business model. Now if only they’d manufacture enough hardware supply to meet the rampant demand...

Ya know, for all the bitching we Americans do about our government and social systems, we have it pretty good. Even if a blithering idiot is in power now, he’ll be out soon enough; not every country has that luxury. It’s depressingly easy to forget that.

Speed hacking seems hilarious, tbh. I’d do it if I could, but I’d never take a chicken dinner that way! I’m a lunatic with honor.

Once you learn how to wallride around keeping the ball in the air, you can demolish low-level competition. Air control is the name of the game, similar to Rocket League.

Doomfist is *very* weak if caught out in the open. It’s like dealing with Pharah- you can’t simply counter-pick and expect to win, you have to play out of his wheelhouse and force him to come to you. That said, a standard triple-tank à la last winter’s meta shuts him down so fast he has to switch off or throw. Roadhog

The bubble blower looks completely useless. You stand in place, shooting slow-moving projectiles at the enemy, who can shoot them and literally blow it up in your face? In a well-coordinated team, I can see it being somewhat useful, with one person blowing, another inking, and the rest maybe using it as cover. But

THQ still exists?

I honestly didn’t know that they were erected in the Jim Crow era until about 6 months ago. Now that I do, fuck that shit. Tear it down. It’s not even about history, it’s just a big middle finger to black people.

Fuck Trump and anyone who supports him. No offense to your mother, but that means fuck her too.

Well, then that’s your loss.

“Ish” being the key suffix here lol

He lives in the otherworld and has a direct line to King Yemma, who is basically the god of death in that part of Universe 7. I don’t think he *can* die.

Now playing

Didn’t realize that you could miss the fact that the clip’s from DBZ Abridged, and is therefore a fucking joke.