
Mei is definitively bae. She’s so adorable x3

You don’t seem to get it- If Trump says it’s true, then it’s true! Facts don’t matter, because he says so. Heil Trump, the greatest moron of our time!

I’d say that’s a bad thing in general. Can you imagine a puppy breeder putting out a report like that?

Liking just for that gif XD

That is horrible and hilarious.

Now, that was adorable! x3

The noise from just one small drone is deafening. The noise from thousands of drones big enough to carry people would sound like the bowels of hell vomiting out onto every highway in the world.

I can’t be the only one wondering what would happen to some person stupid enough to stick their hand near one of those things, right?

Bubbles is a very apt comparison XD

Hard to judge scale in those pictures. Anyone have some people standing next to it?

Ehh, that assumes that Trump himself is competent enough. I could see Pence doing this, or maybe some of his more unscrupulous appointees.

Yeah, woo American stereotypes, yay...

The only RT I care about is Rooster Teeth. Russia Today can go fuck itself, frankly.

I used to like Nutella a lot more. Now I can get fresh blackberry jam from the local farmer’s market, so it’s lost its luster.

English has a lot of problems, but most of them are due to the people who speak it...

I have a knife that looks like a black plastic card when unfolded and locked, as well as a lock picking set in my bag. I’ve gone into places where they confiscate just about anything, for years, and no one has so much as batted an eye.

I have a surgical steel knife that looks like a nondescript black card when unfolded and locked. I’ve had it in my go-bag along with a full lockpick set for years,and I’ve never been stopped for them anywhere.

The best way we could combat these bacteria is without antibiotics at all- iodine and other halogens are a sure-fire way to kill just about anything. The trouble is not killing everything. In the near future, we could design nanostructures containing halogen atoms that target bacteria and destroy them after being

No, 80° Kelvin. Too cold for snow to form.