
Oh god, no. If you don't think design is "subjective", try dealing with clients. It would be The Pitch meets Battle Royale.

Not gonna lie, I liked this show a lot, and I only found out about it because it came on after Whose Line.


And here I thought Bojack Horseman was the most realistic depiction of depression on TV…

If there's a gross food challenge, I hope Savage has to eat humble pie.

Begs the real question: Would Varner have jumped off the caller stand for peanut butter. Either way, he ends up with a broken foot.

They cut the full Savage quote: "He's in a better place…with Peih Gee and Shirin and guacamole."

Varner is so terrified of ties he probably rips his off after every confessional.

Can't say I'm on board with this episode grade (if anything, last week needed the A), but that cabbage baby monologue was one of the best things this show has ever done. Gold.

Agreed but the show is SO focused on him and wouldn't run the Tony edit twice that I can see him going at 4-7 and being The Narrator for much of the game.

I'm trying to decide if Varner is going by the Penner or the Tony playbook. Big narrator and swing vote or crazy power player. (Note the Spy Shack line tonight.) And remember, Tony didn't have to make any major moves until the swap/merge.

Yeah I remember it. Either a third filter or remnant night vision at dawn.

I could have sworn we had a contestant named Monica on this season. Monesha? Maria? Looks who's getting the Purple Brenda edit.

On the one hand, I see you're promoting building relationships. On the other hand, with that attitude, it's a wonder you've ever had one.

This list is missing Character Actress Margo Martindale. It's [Bojack] horse hooey.

I loved this episode. Definitely one of my favorites of the series. I think the reviewer was a little too hard on the opening. This is a network sitcom with okay ratings starting a new season after debuting midseason . I give it 5 mins to catch up. (Plus isn't that part of the retro nature of the show?) But those

Upvoted for the Woo comment. Someone get on the GIF machine!

Wrote about this for Purple Rock, but it seems like a lot of these people's "second chance" is just repeating their first. Joe has everyone fawning over him and clinches immunity victory. Kelly swims nice and loses the same immunity challenge. Abi is a paranoid freak right out of the gate. So it's nice to see

Go ask your fellow president, Warren G Harding.