
Top fifty!

Better that than shopping at Marshalls or watching Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill.

Besides, after that Tribal performance, Morgan wasn't worth spending an idol on.

Especially considering the three top choices for winners are one from each tribe. (LJ, Spencer, Tony) Yet that divide has zero bearing on the current alliance configuration.

Another fun fact: We're now even with original Brains, Beauties, and Brawn. Three each.

And what would that have done? Exposed him further next week?

Woo needs more confessionals. Between the episode 2 rain dance and the ninja + Sonic the Hedgehog comments this week, the guy is gold.

I've been curious: for everyone who picked LJ pre-game, what drew you to him? I was underwhelmed until last week, but now he's in all the final three discussions.

The perfect time to mix it up. There's been competing confessionals with 2 and 3 mentioned, so I never know whether they didn't read the rules, or know something we don't.

So we can officially call them the bRAAAINz tribe after Kass' contribution to the episode title, right? (Actually, given the weather, I hope this is the merged tribe name…)

I was impressed until he started pulling a Gervase after that Immunity Challenge. Because it (almost) worked.

Soo…Final 3 with 8 jurors or Final 2 with 9?

She is officially an anime character.

I still don't get the love for Morgan. (Don't say gratuitous boob shots.) She had one good lie, and that was exposed tonight. Granted, the Beauty infighting should allow her to make the merge, but after that?

Even better, some of the seemingly crazy types (Tony, J'Tia) have proven to be pretty good or hilariously entertaining, respectively.

Well he wasn't Gervase or J'Tia bad…

Well that almost ended in disaster. For everyone. I can see why throwing the challenge can be useful, but not on rumors. Sarah, how you fail me…

So my choices are…a dude who got voted out already, a guy on the outs in his tribe, someone who should be a winner but is super gullible, and a guy who likes to run out into hurricanes. This won't end well!

She just wants to be like her BFF Donald Glover and leave an acclaimed show to be a rapper.

As an Atlantan, I was all excited for this episode, but ended up underwhelmed. (Same with the whole season.) Though, I have to say, the entire episode was worth it for Jeremy and Sandy's big fat dump on their lead. From the minute they read the clue, I was hoping someone would be misled to that stupid store (there's