
Chris O’Dowd is totally on my personal Hot Chrises list. Dude can get it. 

Yes please 

can’t believe it took me 30 whole seconds of scrolling to see this clip, Jezzies what are you doing

Otherwise any Hot Chris could make it, including Chris from my 2nd period math class in high school, and that’s not what the list is about.

I have found my people. Both of my parents became trash at some point in my teens and early 20s, so I have lots of stories. Want to hear about the time my mother punched me in the face and bought me a car to apologize? What about the very eventful story of my dad’s family-ending affair and the fact that he now owns a

I firmly believe that the national business model for PP is to hire ‘em young and idealistic and CHEAP, work them into the GROUND, and then expect them to leave for better working conditions elsewhere. This creates an environment of near constant turnover. The money spent on TRAINING alone could account for raises

I worked for Planned Parenthood for 5 years. This shit is true as hell.

Hi burner here! It is absolutely awful in California as well. It is a hellacious place to work where essentially an “Old Girls” club sucks the life out of their overworked and underpaid employees in a way that would make any liberal supporter’s hair curl. I have heard, directly from one of the CEOs, that should any

I have been working at Planned Parenthood of Illinois for 2.5 years (both part and full time, as a medical assistant and administrative staff). Employee neglect and abuse is rampant and goes much deeper than pregnancy discrimination. Upper management routinely ignores the needs of staff, HR only protects the interests

Exactly. He seems like a decent guy and in the article comes off as open and vulnerable (to a point). So, he says everything “is fire.” Who cares? We know what he means. Talking shit about BPoC who use AAVE is a BAD LOOK. If he can communicate effectively (which he absolutely can if you get over your damn pearl

Completely with Messing. DO shut the FUCK UP, Susan. 

I think I love you. That is all.

Unfortunately now that I’m looking at the back of the box on Amazon, the second ingredient is isopropyl myristate, a compound derived from–curses!!!–alcohol and acid. My years-long quest for an alcohol-free moisturizer resumes.

Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,

Well, that certainly makes it okay for what purports to be a legit news organization to lie about why they brought her to the conference, sure.

Ha! That’s a great one. Some people just can’t appreciate the delicate balance of poetry, escapism, Dadaism, nihilism, defiance, snark, creativity, irreverence, political literacy, internet sensibility and pop culture savvy that it takes to pull these things off. ;)

To me, this is just more evidence that editors and the like see this kind of thing as a sort of interesting exercise. It just shows me they have no real skin in the game. These ideas are more than well-known. In fact, they’re nigh foundational in America. To present it as if it’s a curiosity, and not just a retread of

Bannon has received dozens of interviews over the years, massively gotten more media attention than almost anyone other media person, and has been written about countless times.

I’m OCD so please let me come over and straighten out that squished tube for you.