Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!
Dig It.
After reading that I can only conclude that the Kinja switch isn't so bad after all.
I just want you to know, we're all counting on you.
I first heard of Gregory thanks to Hunter Thompson as a teen in the early 80's and I wanted to know why H.S.T. voted for him. Thankfully, my library had a couple of his records and the books From The Back of the Bus and No More Lies , all of which I checked out. He made me think about things that I simply hadn't…
So edgy, bro. I see a YouTube celebrity in the making.
I'm in the heart of it. Needless to say, my girlfriend and I are moving back to my old stomping grounds in Mass early next year.
Hope springs eternal!
There's a large obelisk monument to the 2000+ Confederate soldiers who died at Fort Delaware at Finn's Point Cemetery in Pennsville.
The guy looks like a barely sentient clogged artery.
My anus is bleeding!
I can't really explain much of the music that I get into (how does one explain stuff like Sun City Girls or Deathspell Omega or Melt Banana, for instance), or my love for Godzilla/monster movies, especially as I approach 50 years old.
Yup, they're pretty left-wing.
What did you do during the Great Juggalo/Nazi War of 2017, daddy?
Nice! I got into TFUL through SCG around 91 with the Outhouse Of The Pryeeeeeeee/Wheat Delusion split. I was already pretty heavily into SCG by then, and there was an interview with Alan Bishop and he mentioned TFUL and the upcoming split. I was going to get anything SCG did any ways but the TFUL song was interesting…
Nomeansmock comes with the Rob Wright seal of approval, too.
Last five listens…