A lot of white people freaked out at a black man running what they saw as their plantation.
Huckabee is a pedophile defender, so no wonder he's worried about labels.
Don't ruin my gag with logic, pal!
Can't risk offending the only people left that still support him.
Is it perhaps because the larger media reflexively categorized his memo as a "anti-diversity screed" from a "misogynist" who thinks that "women shouldn't be engineers" and "men are better than women"?
LOL!! Get a load of this jabroni lol
You just liked this comment elsewhere "You're wasting your time attempting rational, intelligent discourse with feral Leftist vermin."
can't he just be a misguided dude with a flimsy grasp on science?
LOL at the idiocy of your arguments.
I'm not trying to be clever.
I've been paying attention Sander's career in politics for over 30 years. His message has been more consistent than any other politician that I've seen in my life. I certainly haven't always agreed with him, but I don't see him as someone who needs to "shut the fuck up and go away for a few years" just because the…
What do you suggest people do that will work? And can you provide historical examples of whatever you do propose working in the past?
they (i.e. The people replying to me in this thread) are digging in instead of seeing reason
I'm not going to blame Sanders for the ills of a party that can't even come up with a good slogan.
Been totally hooked on that CD for the last month. First one was pretty damn good as well.
I really don't see how these protestors are any different from BLM.
Do it harder.
If you look upwards you still have time to see the point sailing overhead.