Sydney Ellen Wade

I would have given up my left nut to be a fly on the wall on that fateful night.

I think there is a chance for Tiger to come back and start making serious runs again, but he needs to start getting healthy and stay healthy. First things first, he needs to get rid of his back pain. If he can manage that, then I think getting a new swing coach (sorry Sean Foley but if you can't coach Tiger Woods

I would say that at this exact moment in time the NFL makes the PGA and golfers seem like a paragon of humbleness.

Everyone goes back to pretending there are only four golf tournaments a year?

That was excellent. +1

Fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine know how hilarious Crews is—in a cast full of very funny people, he's the show's most consistent source of laughs


And once again, the internet has confused you.

I'd trust this guy with a vote before Ken Gurnick.

As I suspect you are not a master of nuance, I do need to point out that you are commenting on an article that was not published on Deadspin.

Cabelas! I have this hat as well. And NOBODY is charging at me with a full frontal assault when I wear it walking down my street.

I would hope our soldiers would be better trained than that. Also, I kinda think the populace wants to fight the cops. Defusing the direct confrontation I would think would help. But, yeah, that's probably a pipe dream. I'll take your word from first hand experience is worth something also.

This is a dangerous sentiment to hold. I tend to be on the gun control side of that debate, but when militarized police forces are waging war on unarmed communities, I'm very tempted to say arm the populace to the fucking teeth.

I really don't think there is an epidemic of military-grade weapons being fired at police officers that would require they have the equipment to counter that.

Great piece. I've lived in St Louis for 16 years and I've never seen any of this equipment before Monday. Yesterday the Ferguson chief was all over local news saying that they wouldn't do anything if protesters were peaceful after 9pm. Cut to 9pm exactly - cue up the bullhorns rubber bullets and tear gas while

Finally! Now we know who bought tickets to the gun show.

The militarization of the police in this country is a HUGE and ongoing problem; as you said, when the police become the military, they start to see the people they're supposed to protect and serve as the enemy. It's a horrible state of affairs that we find ourselves in right now, and quite frankly I don't think I've

the militarization of Gawker.

excellent article PG. Police don't need to take the place of the National Guard. And the National Guard should be deployed to keep these trigger happy cops apart from the populace and press.

He was curious to know what sports she may excel in after little league, but had a terrible way of asking and/or getting that point across.