Cowards, all.
Cowards, all.
Anybody who’s shocked by this hasn’t been paying attention for the last few years. Ice Cube is one of Steve Bannon’s pet negroes and has been for years. He’s just Ghetto Clarence Thomas.
Please don’t tell Tracy.
In fact, the Kardashians couldn’t even destroy the planet of Bajor, much less Angela White and Jordyn Woods!
It is rather incredible how the people who cite the 1st amendment the most seem to lack the understanding of what it actually says
“The First Amendment says that I have the right to ask questions, to do my job.” You have the right to ask; you don’t have the right to an answer. And the fact that he immediately went to Fox for support makes him suspect. We had Diamond and Silk, and now we have Rayon.
It is important to note because not all minorities have our back, and that hate and racism isn’t limited to white people.
So you’re expecting Ms. Bassett to work when she’s off?
Michael B. Jordan knows Bassett and you don’t, he’s allowed to call her whatever the fuck he wants without side characters questioning it.
“Except if I’m in Africa, where it’s the custom for everybody to refer to anyone older as ‘Sister’ or ‘Auntie,’ depending on the age difference. And there, no one refers to anyone older by their first name out of respect.”
Just my jaundiced eye POV: Black people only win Oscars when portraying characters within comforting stereotypical boxes: The Magical Negro, Sambo, Stepin Fetchit, The Noble Savage, Maids, Slaves, pimps/prostitutes, Bad Parents, Dirty Cops. You get the drift. A woman playing a queen dealing with extreme grief that…
I’m waiting for the Chris Rock defenders to say “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Tell that the the folks who spend millions on words to influence your behavior. Tell that to your boss when s/he tells you to do something. Tell that to your mother or father when they say something. W…
First off, you don’t get to decide what offends someone else. You’re just whatabouting to make it seem like what Chris Rock did was okay, because you’re the type of person who makes jokes at other’s expense. You don’t want to acknowledge that you likely hurt a lot of people, and my comment was a wakeup call. You’re…
Chris Rock is a terrible person. He’s not a hero.
She was the best part of the Super Bowl. Not a diss to the rest of the event, btw.
Wow, are folks still looking for reasons to give him a pass though in a sly way? T.J. Holmes is a skank and gets no sympathy from this corner. This isn’t about “employing a smear campaign” against T.J. Holmes; dude is a low-down sleazy character; he brought it on himself. Come on folks.
He should have anticipated the trickery & dealings of white supremacy before falling for one of its seductions or allures. I’m just sick of the betrayals and disloyalty - Black women deserve better! So I don’t give a shit what happens to T.J. Holmes at this point. Just one man's opinion.
No. The biggest problem is that he is a lying cheating unethical dog. You can’t blame “racism” for your self inflicted injuries.
“Here’s the thing: if this goes wrong, Holmes has a lot more to lose than Robach.”
Marilee is just about to get her shoes off after handing her friend her ear rings.