
what @$$munch of a person would issue a $400 ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign is the real issue here...

They still have a professional photographer market to serve.

does KFC cover their chicken in corn flakes?

So many of the people that put these videos on Youtube are doing nothing more than antagonizing cops. They run up to some traffic stop, interrupt the process in some arrogant fashion to assert their First Amendment rights... At the expense of the poor soul who just got a $150 fine. To those dumbasses I say, You're

You can put an iphone in that if you want. It will work fine, it won't discriminate.

it's a pan/tilt head controllable via wifi capable of repeated motion. Thereifixedit.

So you can't read... That does not surprise me. Dumbass, that very paragraph is what got people asking Nikon, including myself. They clarify that it is in fact interlaced. It's interlaced, douche. Ask Nikon. You must work in IT.

Issues, huh? You're the fucktard who posted irrelevant information, misconstrued a reply and won't shut the fuck up. And I'm the one with issues... Nikon's official label for it is 1080i, dumbass. Word for word, directly off the Nikon web site. "HDMI output resolution can be progressive at lower resolution

because it's fun.

"Dropping crews aboard the boat is too dangerous and salvaging it is too expensive," he added. "There's no crew on board, it doesn't have any light ... and it's in a high volume shipping lane," he noted. Wadlow said the ship is far enough away at sea that the fuel would break up or dissipate before reaching shore.

so as long as it's pretty dark, your subject is pretty flat and close and this concept isn't so popular that a dozen tourists around you aren't using the same technology... this is totally useable.

the fuck is wrong with you?

oh good fucking lord

This "Fortune" you speak of is what pays for the shows you'd rather watch for free. Unless someone can figure out how to make the same amount of money online, you will eventually not have those shows.

ok, but I never said you said it is RAW. You said it is 1080p. Read my previous post and see why I wrote what I did. The video is lossless interlaced, leading some to believe it is true progressive. It technically isn't.

nope. Ask Nikon. I did.

Nikon has confirmed it is a 1080i signal. It is a "Lossless" 1080i in that the image is a split 2 fields per frame as opposed to sharing fields between frames, but it is still interlaced. Software can rebuild the fields into a progressive frame without interpolating the image unlike traditional interlacing. All the

the HDMI is not raw video, it is a processed 8 bit 1080i video stream.

The proper title in the U.S. is Airman. Journalism uses the AP style guide as a reference for titles such as that, not a dictionary. The end.

I doubt that is the same industry because that looks like a cross/mountain bike, maybe both, maybe neither. I can't tell. Some mountain-type bikes are designed to be light, others not so much. In fact, a purely downhill bike is designed to be a little heavy.