
there's better ways to do that. In fact, that's a terrible product. I use an external monitor 90 some-odd percent of the time when shooting video, but all it's got is a little $40 arm that attaches to all sorts of things including the camera itself. I need to put rails where that contraption sits, not to mention

I love the idea of a stylus on tablets. Have you drawn with your finger since kindergarten?

Anything on Kickstarter is an angel donation. You donate to the business and get a token prize for doing so. Whatever the market price is for the kit, it will be much less than on Kickstarter.

maybe I'm old or something, but I gots no problem with velcro. Not to mention there's no parts to lose. Which I will if I used that. Doesn't look as strong as velcro either. There's no bottom support.

It's not really a resolution thing. Panasonic has high edge sharpening where Canon does not. Sony video cameras do the same thing. Also the depth of field differences in the above "test" are so vast that there's little reason to compare the two images.

I am a union camera operator working in the narrative realm, I am not a videographer. HDSLRs have had a massive impact on my profession. They have revolutionized my field nearly as much as going from analog to digital has. The situation itself has evolved as well. Every company that makes cameras has created a

Nikon makes heftier lower end camera bodies than does Canon, especially with the 5D Mark II and below, so that's not really an opinion. The Mark III has a much better build than the earlier one.

I've gotten much better results out of both versions of the 5D. I suspect the "Cinematographer's" ability to check focus in much of that. The dynamic range test was wacky. I'm going to do a similar test later this week, we'll see how it turns out.

Also included is a hands-free Skittles dispenser

What am I referring to? Hundreds of $ worth of shit I've bought that Apple decided they didn't want to support any more. Great that you happened to buy the stuff they did decide to support. Also, I'm complaining about Final Cut X, DisplayPort, firewire 800, Thunderbolt, godawful compatibility with Adobe, no Nvidia

why does every product need to be "Revolutionary"? I work with Apple's creative professional equipment. In that industry, we do not want revolutionary, which is why Apple is failing us. We need equipment to work well with others. We want software upgrades in little doses for the same reason. Revolutionary has

the internally recorded video on the D800 has received terrible reviews. The video quality and the RAW image results are two very different things. That has nothing to do with being a fanboy. The 5D mark III has yet to be put to the test on that site. Its sensor reviews may be very good as well.

I've used both cameras. Huge difference in video quality between the C300 and this one. So yes, plenty of people would still buy the C300 even if this thing had xlr ports and whatnot.

No, I'm speaking specifically of optical quality.

I'm comparing the lenses on the same camera using an adapter for slr lenses. there is a noticeable difference between the two, it doesn't make any difference which wide angle slr lens I use, zoom or prime. When stacked up against a nice lens, they look cheap.

one would assume I'm comparing actual images as opposed to using my imagination.

and I see you prefer to dwell on your superiority complex rather than argue the point at hand... Which as I've said several times earlier, you clearly didn't understand. It does not surprise me in the least you work in IT. Everyone, and I mean EVERYone hates the IT guy. You're one level under the fuckin security

I have a couple of Sony cameras with the Sony E mount, one of them is a video camera. I really wish the lenses natively supported by the cameras looked better, but they're soft and icky. Also super cheap... Even though I knew they kind of sucked, I ended up buying the entire E range that Fry's Electronics had

yyyyyyyes. I'm not reading through charts, I live in the real world. These types of lenses are visibly soft and bland compared to the vast majority of SLR lenses, which is why I use adapters with these little cameras, of which I own a couple as well as the Sony lens in the article.

what about us media guys? Final Cut Xx is gonna be rad, I just know it