eastern block

I guess Aqib Talib can join Peyton Manning and Jason Pierre Paul on the list of athletes who have no idea what the ends of their fingers are doing.

Sick of hearing professional athletes brag about their extravagant lifestyles and 18-passenger cars.

Damn. Had about as much zip as a Peyton Manning toss, too!

Seems especially like a waste to use that on a two point conversion and not a fake field goal attempt to get a touchdown out of it.

First off I have seen ACC games with worse camera angles, so good for them and secondly, why do they not seem excited?

So a few people got called the n-word by randos and this is what the University president was supposed to drop everything and respond to?

“Cortana, how did I do on that last play?”

I’m trying to figure out how a coach who was known to put paid hits on opposing players could even be allowed back in the league.

“That ain’t no fucking triangle. That’s a square.”

So damn salty, I love it. His sodium levels are now higher than his shooting percentage.

Most amazing is someone still doesn’t know how to hold a phone properly. Unless they’re 6 years old.


It would save everyone time if you put the disclosure first.

Your loss, there was a lot of excellent writing on there. You seem to consider your avoiding said good writing as some kind of accomplishment, which seems odd to me.

He hired away some of his old hires, giving ESPN a pretext to close the whole thing? It’s a very flimsy criticism, imo, but there are tons of vehement Simmons haters out there grasping for straws. Instead of looking at this and coming to the logical conclusion, that ESPN is a terrible company, they try to spin at as

Well sure, but some of us aren’t 45.

I don’t know, Chris. I have both DraftKings AND ISIS at the top of my list of “Organizations I’d Like to See Rocketed into the Sun”

why obscure his face when we can see his name on his shirt smh

Upon finishing, the gentleman turned around and screamed, “YOU LIKE THAT?!?!”