
Ehh, I mean, I love Jezebel, obviously. But Myrna (if that’s the thread you were talking about) was complaining about a particularly dark time where she got booted from the site by a touchy writer, then a bunch of people jumped in with non-specific, vague hatred for the feminist site which was gross. It’s hard, I

Many think Edsels are ugly, but I don’t, and I like them............a lot!

Jesus Christ we live in a dystopia.

Where are those trees? I was just there last week. No trees. Also, why didn’t he stop at the old mailbox site?

People give Texas a lot of shit but there has been some good stuff happening in our major cities for a while.

Agreed. Please share Taylor’s “Doodles” album out on Facebook before it disappears. The sum of someone’s life shouldn’t disappear because of a tragedy like this and I’m sure as soon as someone gets the paperwork in, Facebook will shut their profiles down.

That is not true. Limiting access to guns will affect those who have a short-term down turn by removing a method with a high perceived level of certainty and short planning stage, much like limiting access to lethal drugs does.

I echo your sentiments, however there will always be breeders and I’m guessing Bailey’s humans are not of the “backyard” variety if this bitch got a C-section at Auburn. Everyone should adopt, but there are such things as responsible breeders. It’s not all black and white. I have met some wonderfully responsible

Man in special forces fires rifle...whatever.

Not that I ever thought you wouldn’t be, but I find it so God-damned depressing how right you were.

That’s not the point.

Yeah, it’s not like Beyonce has a huge clutch of fanatic followers who will go and harass anyone who they think disrespects their queen.

I agree. This just seems like a nice guy taking his kids/grandkids out. Don’t hunt him down so Nick Denton can get a few more dollars from clicks. Leave him alone.

We disagree on a lot but this is something we agree upon. The last thing this guy needs is the QueenBey stan army coming for him for the crime of not bowing in adulation and hanging on every word out of the queens mouth.

Ann Richards, yo.

Thank youuuu, I was going to wait for the onslaught and then address it but maybe now I won't need to! <3

Before anyone jumps on you for “comparing heart surgery to moles,” no, that’s not what sparklycarklee is doing. This is a reduction to the absurd, to show the extremes one can get to by demanding exact representation.

“I'm writing to you today because my child has several moles and freckles, and none of the available dolls have moles or freckles. I've attached a drawing of MaKkeNsiYe's exact pattern of moles and freckles for your use in creating a doll that ‘looks just like her’. Please note that the pattern must match exactly or

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.