
as dependable as one of 47's cabinet appointees

God, why is he still a thing.

People were traveling from all over the country to go to Tennessee for Saturn’s annual owner gatherings, at their own expense. People WERE enthusiastic about their Saturn cars — the real ones, not the later rebadged models. There is a market for affordable and reliable transportation; Saturn was addressing it far

Not quite so much as him.

Nah. Trump’s way too cheap to actually use solid gold. It’s gold plate, at best. More likely gold leaf. Or even just gold-colored paint. He likes his properties to look flashy and glamorous, but he cheaps out everywhere he possibly can.

I still think it’s *amazing* how easily triggered some right wingers are. A brand makes the tiniest, slightest, performative sop to a minority group, changing nothing whatsoever about the brand, in an effort to make more money (a purely capitalistic move, in other words), and they absolutely lose their minds over it.

Oh don’t worry, Mr Trump.  I’m sure the deregulation you have in mind will absolutely fix those kinds of problems.

Uh oh, someone got twiggered. I’ve got a safe space you can use if you want to cry out all your angries.

And the stupid dimwits he cheated still vote for him.

The worst people live forever.  See: Strom Thurmond.

Honestly, I'm hoping he strokes out prior to inauguration day. He's not a healthy man after all. 

What? The Cheeto Bandito stiffing contractors? Never! It's not like you can walk down the street in NYC and ask almost anyone, and they'll know someone screwed over by Trump. And we won't even talk about Atlantic City. Yikes. 

Sidenote: apparently calling Elno Elonia on TwiXter will get you banned.

Bonus points if Elmo is on board, or waiting on site.

I’d love to see it crash into Mar-a-lago while his entire shitty family is visiting or onboard.

Well, tell Boeing to hurry up, then. I’m sure everything will be fine if they rush it a little.

I’m all in favor of Boing rushing production and taking every shortcut it can think of to get him his plane. 

Perhaps the Russian airline has a couple of planes they can give Trump.

If I was Boeing, I wouldn't be in a rush to finish those planes while Trump is in power. What with his long history of stiffing contractors and all.

Ten bucks says the asshole will demand they put his name in giant letters on the side of the plane.