
We just need some small cars that don’t suck. The original VW Bug was one such car. In terms of interior space, the old bug was about same as the current Mini. And yet it became the best selling import in America for a good dozen years in a row. The original Honda Civic likewise was about the same size inside and out

You’d be surprised how small surveillance equipment is these days. That said, everything else in your post is absolutely spot on.

Isn’t it crazy how scared they are of pretty much the entire modern world? They like to frame it as angry or indignant (if they knew what the word meant), but really they’re just scared little bitches lashing out at anything they don’t understand. It would be sad if it weren’t for the people in power encouraging them

lol people are so fucking stupid to think that A. they’re important enough to warrant drone surveillance, and B. that a small ass drone can carry anything in the way of advanced photography or surveillance equipment in the first place.

Many can afford to buy a Jag, few can afford to fix one.

Now playing

Not even a particularly good looking Jag. No dice.

1) High-end Britmobiles bug me as much as likewise Germanmobiles—overly complicated and need expensive repairs when they go kerblooey. While these Jags get good marks for quality, I’m not sold.

The fact that you or anyone is talking “Biden cognitive ability” means the Magalomaniacs’ cult of personality campaign and Faux News misinformation is working. His opponent is literally a felon and sexual harasser. If any party should be replacing their candidate, it’s the GOP.

This Democratic administration has devoted more effort towards preparing the American economy for the decades ahead than any since FDR’s, and it’s not close. 

May as well not bother with him any more. He will just keep arguing the same dumb points while claiming he won’t vote for Biden because he thinks he might die and he doesn’t like Kamala for unspecified reasons, even though Trump dying is just as likely and we don’t even know who his VP pick is yet. He’ll try to claim

No, it’s just that you are clearly trying to talk out of both end of your mouth to try to sound netural while pushing people away from supporting Biden. Just look at your own words:

Dodge is offering Nickel as one of their first colors for the Charger EV. And yes, that shade of metallic grey is A-OK with me.

You beat me to it, but I had to add my two cents’ worth about his WTF comment.  Well put by you.

Let’s suppose the Dems have a contested convention and someone else gets the nom. It’d be a repeat of 1968 with Humphrey taking the nom and therefore Nixon waltzing into the White House. Biden is the man and compared to Mush Brain where: he mistook Trump ass-kisser Nikki Haley for Speaker Pelosi for minutes during a

He doesn’t read, he has to have a Powerpoint with bullet points. He probably never read a Presidential Daily Brief.   He had someone summarize it for him.

But it must be acknowledged that Democratic leadership has completely failed the American public”

The car almost blends in with the pavement in that photo. It really is a terrible color.

Thanks to my Army enlistment packing me off to Germany, I travelled. I have literally stood where Hitler has stood—the Olympic Stadium in Berlin and his spot in the grandstands at the Nuremburg party rallies’ location. It’s fascinated me for decades how such a rotten lying criminal can put a nation in his thrall and

Heaven forbid Trump gets back in office; his policies will destroy the economy and our standing in the world, and then of course he will blame it all on Biden — and his supporters will wholeheartedly believe him.

BIG kudos to Barry Land not buying the (ugh!) Destroyer Grey Challenger. He is exactly right: Glossy Primer Grey, as I call it, is the worst color of all time: