
Once menaced by an idiot in a work dually pickup with the business’ name and phone number on the side and an identifying ID and “How’s My Driving” - please tell on a bumper sticker. So I did.

Anyone who has slept on what Honda (don’t @ me, I drive one) considers acceptable surfaces to kip knows they suck rocks. Even when napping in the Element I was more comfortable clipping up the seats and using a 3" foam pad. and a nice sheet envelope.

This is not my type at ALL.

Obviously, specificity rules this buyer ploy out. This only works with vehicles they want to move, not ones they have to build first.

Also - buy in the Fall when the newer model years have just hit. And buy the prior year. Got 3k off the second Element this way. Walked out on the sales guy who thought he HAD me (because it was loaded and mine wasn’t). Nah, dude. And trying to hang on to my keys will just piss me off. (He did).

Mine is worth more to ME than it is to a buyer or a dealership. So I’m gonna drive it till the wheels come off. Probably sooner than I’d like. I want to replace it with something fuel efficient, dependable and with good visibility (and AC).

Considering news reports, just leave a child in the car. It’ll lock itself and set the fire too. Or drown the driver.

If it were closer and lower I’d be tempted. I’m glad it isn’t.

The wild, wild, what the fuck is wrong with you Florida. God, I wish my family didn’t like hot weather.

fair. SAD, but not wrong. 


WHO THE HELL VOTED NP? Day drinking? High as a kite before 9am? WT-actual-F is WRONG with you? Can you see all the missing trim and the way it’s been otherwise tended?

The heart wants what it wants. *shrugs*

FINE - what’s the best later model year with a hard top? ;)

I watch waaaay too much Bangers and Cash. That is beautiful - even with a Ford invasion. (Which probably did make it better). 

I don’t care - totally irrational NP. Shut up!

I was considering an Insight on BaT! 

Thought process? Don’t make us laugh.

It’s where all the right-wing nutjobs are screaming at people. Huh, wonder who’s pushing that?

Borrowed? Seriously though, how does one even think of doing something like this?