
I hate Nissan. And even I am going to NP this puppy. Okay, old dawg. 25 years is vintage? Nearly there.

Numerous scalps instead of faces. Head facing lap, texting. I see the part instead of the eyes. Usually as it drifts over the center line. 

I want to wrap the Element in this - and only hesitate because that money would be better spent on upkeep etc. And probably is wasted on a 19 year-old vehicle.

I suspect many are trying to use their ‘secret’ as an advantage.

There’s a dude in a huge silver pickmeup that can’t stand that the Element will get up to 90 (I prefer 70 when passing), who regularly pulls into the left lane when I pass him in the morning. And not just a little. about half way. I may set the phone on video instead of Waze one morning and drop it in the police

Can you imagine? The beater pickup and farm equipment. MY GOD MAN! The limit is 55 and you’re going 15 TOPS. I can sprint faster and I’m 65!

I am convinced, like you, that more than half the driving population at large thinks it enables turning in the steering wheel.

And if you’re getting a lift, at least offer to pony up for gas money.

I’m usually FAR more sensible than this - nice nice nice price. 

Hard pass. Not a gambler. 

So this is another guy? I heard one pushed a car (on fire) into a canyon. On purpose.

As an introvert I am LONGING for isolation - and they did mention it about halfway through the article. In fact, this is the primary concern for the elderly now, since almost everything CAN be delivered.

My parents bought a home with only two steps in it. My 90-year-old Mom can still navigate them - because there are hand hold. I bought my (last) house knowing it was - and the only step is a half step from the front or garage doors. With grocery delivery I should be fine in retirement without help. I hope.

I’ve pissed away more money in six months on Amazon (on stupid shit) than this costs. Totally NP - one of my early cars was a Fleetwood. Stuff goes wrong, but cheap is cheap.

My peeps be here!

Fishy? Hmmm. Can we go over the fence and put some in those cars... ;)

Good lord, that’s cute!

Yo, Elongated Muskox - it’s not a contest as to who can be more venal or stupid than TFG, okay?

AUGH - missed that it’s even MORE power than anyone would ever need off a track - It’s still a stupid vehicle. Off track. 

How much hybrid could I get for that? And you’re asking if I’d spend it on a V8 that would probably kill me? HAAA!