Mechanic in Florida: The heat is as bad for your battery as the cold in Wisconsin was, ma’am. Me: Gets yet another one for free from AutoZone.
Mechanic in Florida: The heat is as bad for your battery as the cold in Wisconsin was, ma’am. Me: Gets yet another one for free from AutoZone.
...or out of it before you drown?
What does it say about the current times that I read the headline as “...Live In?” Sigh
Not for me. I already boogied out of my automotive safe space once this week. Y’all can have it.
I also strongly agree. And while I did not add this to my post - this happened this morning and was posted on social:
What? No one complaining about how cyclists need to obey the rules and share the road too? No one advocating for running them down?
Oh, WOW. If I win the lottery. And build a garage worthy.
If only. All the window posts are about the failing power windows and replacing them. I’m handy - but that’s too much for me. I’m guessing a door swap would be the easiest fix - even with everything that entails. By a mechanic.
...or any Honda. Been rocking a chiropractor’s recommendation for a seat appliance since - well, I can’t remember. It may be as old as the car. Made really well! The do not look dissimilar to my current torture device sans add on.
Obviously it would need to be redesigned to meet regs but as an Element haver - I am comforted by the design.
Not a chance in Hell. I’m not made of money.
Cranks? (Not you, ;) the windows) It did! Now to find someone with the skills to do it...
Shitting out what’s left of its brain?
He wasn’t. Burnett tends to elevate people based on a “reaction” from others - and it doesn’t matter if it’s a good reaction. Anyone who was in his orbit, knew he was a useless sack of skin and repeated failure at everything he attempted.
“...‘Thank you!’ Once I ran for office, that stopped.” - no shit.
Well, good for you! They fucked me over way before you even got started.
Awful looks, gives me the icks. Grocery money. (Annually).
Sitting here thinking... Grateful for a father who reminded me about oil changes, tire rotation... Huh. Nothing?
As long as we get 100 tampons for six days...
Every angle - dumpster.