
I’d say that Lewis is a bit of a baby, but shit, listen to the man when he tells you what to fix. His résumé is pretty stacked. Also, I’m hoping for anybody to be able to beat Max. Not because I dislike Max but because I hate to see that wife-beating c*nt Jos Verstappen have any kind of joy in his life. 


Buying packs, tins or anything else has never had less purpose or meaning. These sets are way too big for their own good. Some of them have gone over 200 cards, with an entire third, or even close to half of the set being in any one of the “rare” tiers, whether it’s a regular rare, ultra rare, alternate art, whatever.

Huh? Characters like Mallow and Misty are under age. 

Loli Fans are the worst human beings, full stop.

F you play the game? I don’t, but I do play magic, and that Starmie V looks ridiculously better than hoothoot does. The former is a powerhouse that can one shot your opponent and the latter is a tech card.

Rebrand as Babbage’s you cowards.

Yeah, SAO has about a season and a half of being a 7/10 and a great deal of seasons that are a 4/10 on a generous day. It also sort of reinvigorated the “isekai about an OP protag based on a light novel” genre, and that is a malignant blight upon the whole industry that none of us will ever seemingly escape.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

some of them are awful (Sawk is just a human man)

Can Mercedes also drop the suppository design language along with the EQ naming? Just a suggestion.

“It’s definitely got a face that might turn people off” buddy compared to its stablemates it’s BMW’s fucking Mona Lisa

why no one with a beard wearing a skirt in that photo ??

Are you having a stroke?

They aren’t allowed in school anymore so no.

Well, it started with more cartoonish villains with Team Rocket, progressively got higher and higher stakes, and then started to reel it back. It did get reeled back to be even softer than it was before though.

Nice Price: A shrewd investment.

Nope. Thanks to you all, I have been shopping used Mercedes (because built to last/smooth etc - and the C class offerings I’ve been pricing even run on Regular). And this is too rich for me in several ways. So while this person isn’t obviously/apparently ‘high’ and will probably get the ask or near it, it ain’t gonna

This site once wrote about people making art of dragons fucking cars (to the point that "dragoning" was site slang for a bit), but how furries can help a DIY project is just too far for you?

I remember GT Pro! I used to get such big Initial D vibes from playing it. The terrible e-brake/tire squeal noise is burned into my brain forever. It was so fun!