
Congrats on getting to 300k!

Congrats man! I didn’t think anyone, evens jalops, could get a turn if the century European luxury car past 150k!

I gotchu non-fam bruh. #drift added.

I got you non-fam bruh!

Online gaming will eat itself, and the dawning of a glorious new age of single player games will begin anew.

So weekly?

It’s from Ah! My Goddess/Oh! My Goddess. It’s not a racing anime is why lol. The main character is in the auto club at college and races motorcycles as a hobby and she’s his girlfriend who also happens to be a goddess from heaven (literally). There’s actually not a whole lot of motorcycle racing in it.

oh you can find them, but they’ve had more teenage boys diddle them than the slutty highschool cheerleader.

Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:

It’s 100% Danazine

This is exactly what BMW M has done.

yeah, no wonder the crazy shit that comes out of Japan. shrooms were legal..


i just took a picture of this outside my apartment this morning. Meant to share with Oppo.

I mean, a little extra trim from the early 90's is nothing compared to some of the luxo trucks you see nowadays.

Hey sailor! Looking at you sweetie.

Ralph, Suzuki would like a word with you