In the near future where video conferences will have become our only mode of communication, witches and evil wizards will genuinely have the power to turn us into frogs at will.
In the near future where video conferences will have become our only mode of communication, witches and evil wizards will genuinely have the power to turn us into frogs at will.
I read that as well, but it’s not accurate. The movie tries to do a lot and fails. Not miserably, but it misses its target by quite a bit. It’s not valorizing cops. It actually lacks much character development or point of view.
It felt that way to me but unintentionally maybe? Without spoiling it does try to excuse cops’ bad or even fire-able behaviour. Just pretty tone deaf to me and I thought the ending was bad. IF you watch tho use subtitles because they did a bad job in some parts of getting clear audio haha
It was actually written in the early ‘90s, and only got made now because the writer decided he’d just direct the damn thing himself after so many attempts fell through. And it very much feels like little if anything was actually changed during that time. It actually comes down pretty hard on cops’ willingness to cover…
It’s this guy:
honestly, this means you don’t have incurable brainworms and neither do your friends. run, be free, rejoice.
Did he make an HBO Max series out of it, though?
Futuristic sci fi western about Dracula eh? I think you mean Sacred Ancestor.
Tit’s gonna be great!
Pfft. One of the great French Philosophes, Denis Diderot, wrote a satirical novel The Indiscreet Jewels, about talking vaginas, in 1748!
Hell of a year for Chloe Zhao, and it’s February. Meanwhile, I’m exactly the idiot who wants a vampire western in space, even if it doesn’t have the word “Blade” in the title. But I’m kind of beside myself that this is the only way to get a major studio to make a fucking western anymore.
Why are we shitting on Shailene? Jezebel continues the tradition of tearing down women on a “feminist” website because (checks notes) they just don’t like her for some reason... Like if she wants to eat dirt, who really fucking cares? Until she starts telling people not to get vaccinated, she’s just doing things that…
While I don’t like this title trend, this still sounds more sci-fi-ish than, say, Attack on Titan.
Well one it was created by Joss Whedon, but since he left they’ll probably self correct after the first season.
I first saw this and immaturely giggled. Then I read on and saw it was supposed to be some kind of statement and was disappointed.
This is ADGQ 2022 for Hitman 3. Before we start let me introduce myself, I’m GuLe as commentator and our player here is... oh he’s done.
Would Superman III be considered a kids movie? Because if so, then that one scene. F*ck no I’m not going to link to it.
The classic Disney animated movies don’t shy from the horror. The forest in Snow White. Monstro. Maleficent turns into a freaking DRAGON even!
No idea what you’re talking about. Anyhoo...
Yes, we know what he looks like so it’s not some huge secret, but I do think Capcom will try and retcon him into someone important...because RE gonna RE.
My favorite stupid theory, he’s actually Ark Thompson, the dingus from Survivor.