Syafiqjabar of The Snyder Cult

...because Joss Whedon also directed it, after Zack Snyder had to leave part-way through. And to differentiate it from the upcoming version that’s all Zack Snyder.

I don’t know. I do live my life a quarter mile at a time. 

The article’s tone suggests that maybe it’s weird to like Tokyo Drift? Feels like people forgot that for years Tokyo Drift has been the one people low-key praise, because it’s really solidly put together, it just has a meme-y name and a lot of VERY dated needle drops and one of those dumb “Hulk fists punching out from

I’m not a Snyder fan but the biggest disappointment with Justice League was how visually small it felt, there couldnt have been more then a handful of locations , and none were very interesting. I’m skeptical about how big the movie will feel in the new Snyder version.

Maybe if a movie makes you feel that way, stop for a minute and try to get some perspective.

You people just don’t know good writing when you see it.

Definitely feels like a B Movie though..

Lot of buzz about this one. 

“ trump- nut, trans- phobe, anti-masker" who now participates in social media mostly on parler for it's "bias free" atmosphere. Per an article I can't flip back to for the citation or else kinja will delete my typing.  Just search her name, it is maybe the 4th or 5th result down.

Seriously, what is it with celebrities buying into to hoaxes and cults? Are they that obsessed with proving they’re smarter/better than the average masses because they “think outside the box?”

I don’t think they will be ”addressing it” in any public manner, probably rethinking having Wright being the face of the series if that’s the way it was going.

It’s entirely possible that they’re keeping mum on Carano cause she gets offed before the end of the season. Let her departure from the show carry the heavy lifting.

What’s up with Disney actors being absolute shit-lords online?

Honestly, they’re in a damned if they don’t/damned if they do situation. Because they’ve gone months without addressing Gina Carano’s social media presence. So, even if they take some sort of action over both Wright and Carano’s behavior, it’s going to look like they’re just addressing the later because they know

Ha, I just thought the same thing in another comment!

Based on her Twitter history, she probably does and agrees with it.

I know a guy who has 4 sons, 3 of which have special needs and honestly, the 4th one is on the spectrum. He blames vaccinations. I think he’s wrong, but do I tell him that? No, because that would be cruel. I can’t begin to understand what his daily life is with 3 special needs kids. But he can’t see the forest for the

Let me be blunt.  Anyone pedaling anti vaccine bullshit lately can get fucked.  This is the worst time in the past half century to be anti vaccine.

oooh yeah! the Chinese fleets of the Agrarian age were really quite amazing. in fact, most of the maritime technologies used by Europeans were actually Chinese technologies traded along the Silk Road.  believe it or not, the only reason why China didn’t come to dominate the world stage at the time is mostly due to