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lifemonk gets uzis at like level 13. and the fire fox turns into a flamethrower around the same level. If you are having issues in game, its you. Everyone I’ve talked to love it, minus one guy. One guy who said - ehh, there’s crafting and it wasn’t for me. And that’s fine. maybe this gameplay isn’t for you. move on. St

my 100% legendary run was no exploits or anything. my easy run to catch a few missed opportunities I used the cannon and it was an absolute blast to use. the LASO makes using that gun a worse playthrough since there are better infinite ammo weapons, so I don’t know who they are appeasing.

this - and to be perfectly clear - 8 was basically all remastered tracks anyways. after everything is released, 8s DLC will basically be MarioKart9.

i hope slideshows dont catch on here. i have addblock so it doesnt effect me, but man this looks like a nasty way to eat 20 pages for ads. ok buzzfeed. look what happened to that business. don’t do it kotoku!

“skip this”

super glad we can allow a 2 paragraph click spoil in the picture before you click it =]. its not spoiling me but man this part was insane when it happens. hope people who browse kotaku already played if they planned on it. 

Champions of norwrathe had 2 games as well, so make that a 4 pack.

this article is wrong - very much wrong.

why would a new game have a lower price? its no even a rerelease like skyward sword.

Google “cactus flowers” and you sees multiple cactuses with the fork look with a flower or two. I think someone is trying really hard to cross 2 references. Jam a puzzle pieces in the wrong spot long enough, it’ll look close enough.

uhh, Destiny says as much as 250 GB, not MB. thats a HUGE Difference. All depending on what types of gameplay your running, how many voices are on and so on. it says a SOLO campaign uses 100MB a hour, SOLO! thats nuts.

Must be really hard to update the Player Spread sheet states and re-release these games.

but, by buying these from re sellers, arnt you just letting them know the practice is okay? why are we allowing this to happen with switches but then go the other direction on hand sanitizers and toilet paper?

this is only an issue to people who unleash a code to thousands of people, not 1-2 ppl. the game is also not meant to be unleashed to thousands. there isnt that much to do with 8 players in a town. the most i do is visit my freinds, check the shop/tailor and turnup prices. but even hten, stuff like turnup prices are

i was so pumped for this game, because it looked like the WII game Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicals: My Life as King - and we need more games like that - seeing as there are like... 2? (dungeon town for mobile being the other)

SERIOUSLY! i just saw a thing about this show and thought, sweet i might play along. i dont get to watch shows THE NIGHT they come out. i guess crappy news coverage needs to stay crappy. LEAST they could have said was -

im actually really interested in this - i have been apart of many games that i dont see it at first, but heavily flow into pay to win. its one of those, eh im not going to pay - to ill just pay a little to get this item - to jesus how did i put this much in this month? i have a guy in my game community that said he

your basically cancer for listening to fake news bullshit from half bit journalists that call kotaku home - if you knew anything this dude has done, youd eat your words right now. hes donated millions in the past 8 years to dozens of causes and people like kotaku find that one 5 second clip in 6 months worth of daily