
The problem is this is entirely too fucking real and too fucking right now. They are still in this same place, trying to beat black asses rather than taking on the system that is fucking us all.

Then he’s a bad scientist and a bad manager. Especially if it took him 12 years to perceive her lack of importance.

A scientist/engineer should be better able to construct a valid test of an assistant’s value than this. If my assistant leaves for two weeks, I would naturally assume that I can coast for at least two weeks on the systems that he or she has established, despite their absence. A really valuable assistant develops

It’s perfectly OK. And it’s perfectly OK for me to decide that I think that shit is skanky, and I don’t want to ride some crusty well-used dick.

Still wet....

NO. I get that you were talking about the OP.

Given that she made the same claim three years ago on a Daily Show-related post, maybe higher than 10%.

Maybe because one of them starred in The Game, a reality show, and her own cooking show, while the other starred in their reality show and The Real? I mean, it’s not like they’re the Olsen twins. Oh wait, people are still sucking their dicks like they matter...

Is this photoshopped? Why do they look so terrifying?

I don’t speak Hotesperanto. Please translate...

Where’s the gif, damnit?

It’s a far cry from one woman reading tarot to wilfull ignorance regarding well-established science. That’s not based on religiosity, that’s based on self-interest and greed. Cloaked in religiosity. How about we tear out root and branch, not just the wrapping paper?

I find it more concerning that people aren’t in the fucking streets protesting Republican intransigence regarding the investigation of the treacherous, duplicitous, desperately stupid manipulation of our election. I have no fux left to give about the need to read Tarot, horoscopes, or chicken entrails. In fact, if a

And if I need to be an alcoholic to survive some pretty fucking intolerable circumstances, then (unless I get behind the wheel) that’s my fucking business. What other people want, need, and crave is none of your fucking business until it touches you directly.

I’m worried about the rising tide of judging whatever gets somebody else through this clusterfuck of a decade with the shreds of their sanity intact.

The sometime model and aspiring actress admitted she was so surprised when her boyfriend of 1 ½ years proposed that she insisted he propose again – just to be sure.

Why would you do anything else?

I was astounded that no one mentioned this. There is literally no one I can think of that I hate enough to shit on them in the wake of the death of a parent. Or really, any death.