
While some of the pictures she uses show nearly-empty cars, as someone who takes often-crowded NYC public transit, I can tell you her point is valid. This is behavior that continues as those cars fill up.

I'll be on the Promenade deck with a drink in my lap and a boob in each hand.

I don't support the homophobia, but I don't know where I stand on the right to discriminate.

If you work for a primarily religious organization - say, you're a first-grade teacher at a Catholic school - and you publicly make a statement in support of something that violates the employer's values such as support for gay marriage or coming out, they generally have the right to end your employment.

Is it wrong that I couldn't breathe as that racist, wife-beating, drug-dealing, biker murderer was shot in the throat by the stepson he raised as he stared into the eyes of his old lady?

Make him watch every full rearal nudity moment of Charlie Hunnam's on Sons of Anarchy?

Thank you! This is one of my least-favorite conservative talking points. Free speech isn't free, a$$holes - if someone else owns the platform, they own the right to use it to speak.

I think you mean "have to be smart enough to attempt to avoid situations that put them at risk."

There's a Target on 116th Street.

And where they were actually scared about money, bills, being put out of their house, keeping on the lights, etc. and it wasn't magically resolved in 22 minutes.

1984, my cousins got a TRS-80 that I wanted SO BAD. Why? To write programs in Basic that would fill the screen with consecutive numbers. Finally, in 1986, I got my very own superfly Apple IIC, which I promptly sold after college (1989) for a Mac Plus, which I sold to buy the Mac LC in 1992, which I stopped using as

His perfect woman may well be in a soundproofed room in his basement.

Biracial of West Indian descent who loves lox and capers on bagels and hates callaloo and fungee.

Really? You're "over" it? Cut the lady some slack. Do you address every instance of homophobia you encounter among your friends and family? 'Cause I haven't. I'm gonna start stepping up, though, because people have been beating up, and yes, killing people where I live, based on the idea that gaybashing is just fine.

Do I really have to be the one to make the "Paula Deen on a giant cock" allusion? 'Cause I don't want to...

That assumption really pisses me off - I know one woman who doesn't like to be tagged in Facebook photos or posts because she's afraid of an abusive ex finding her through mutual friends and another who asks friends to be cautious because she's in the midst of a vicious divorce and any comments by her friends about

Sucks to be you, I guess. I'm betting those two old fat people were about to head back to their cabin and have sloppy sweaty fun, while you were going to stare at their picture and touch yourself.

Umm, no.

I genuinely hope that no one you care about is ever injured by gun violence. Because I know if that happens, after the pain and sorrow subsides, you're going to think back to the moment you made this offhand internet comment, and some small part of you is going to wonder - is karma really a fucking bitch?