Yeah. My pet theory with no support is evil Earth-2 Joe West. But those are also my too candidates.
Yeah. My pet theory with no support is evil Earth-2 Joe West. But those are also my too candidates.
Yes, Tom Cavanaugh has returned to The Flash, as the Harrison Wells of Earth-2 joins the SuperSTARS in fighting…
“QI is the Best British Show Ever and America Needs to Leave It The Hell Alone.”
Obvious answer is obvious.
Where's my mojo baby?!
I didn’t walk out but I seriously can’t believe I sat through the whole thing.
Also, Jurassic World, same thing.
There are few moments in football more entertaining than a trick play, the weirder the better. One of those moments…
i wonder if this could be similar to the bermuda triangle. i heard the water wasn’t proper water, perhaps the methane messes with the buoyancy of the ships or crafts that pass through and as a result are often downed?
Sometimes, in the face of tragedy, it’s better to be optimistic. At least Lamar isn’t brain-dead like Curt Schilling.
Nope, this is actually pretty much the exact opposite of what California needs...
Dudeman, I’m super lazy. French press is super lazy. Get a grinder, get an electric tea kettle.. wake up, put water in the kettle, start it boiling, grind the coffee and toss it in the french press, and when the water boils pour it on in. It’s actually better a bit below boiling so.. don’t be too quick. And then…
Josh Holloway really killed it as Sawyer on Lost and deserves way more success than he’s been finding since then; I really hope this does well for him.
That’s a stiff drink.
Am I the only one who didn't completely hate the movie? It's not as good as the book, but most adaptations aren't.
The dimensions of the hole on the beach are 4 by 8 by 15. 16 tents fell in. 23 people called the emergency hotline to report and it’s expected to keep sinking for 42 days.
Doctor Who already established that Mars does infact have water, and it does indeed have life in it. Also, we SHOULD STAY THE F**K AWAY FROM IT!
LSU is always supposed to roll Syracuse. They’re an SEC school, ranked in the top 10, with linemen on both sides of…