While watching this last night they had a Gotham commercial and I thought “now there’s a show that ran off the rails from the get-go.” This is SO much better than Gotham.
While watching this last night they had a Gotham commercial and I thought “now there’s a show that ran off the rails from the get-go.” This is SO much better than Gotham.
Very Edward Dadd. See “The Fairy Feller’s Master Stroke,” which Freddie Mercury wrote the great song about on Queen’s second album.
Still hoping...
A show about nothing? It’ll never work.
Merlyn didn’t think to tell Dahrk that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow? Dahrk only hates Queen because he is running for mayor and has pledged to stop Dahrk’s plans.
Except it WASN’T purgatory. Did you even watch the show?
The Ringer, a foe for Spider-Man. His suit makes rings from particulate matter in the air. Basically he shoots hardened rings of smog at you and they are supposed to bind you. Spidey laughed in the guy’s face.
Fish Mooney wasn’t the only reason I quit watching this shitstorm in season one, but she was a major contributor to my leaving.
I’m sure he saw other titles in very private screenings.
It was terrible. Hopefully when someone other than Carter pens an episode it will be less disjointed and all over the place. Really bad premiere.
Why are Saturday morning kiddie cartoons included on this? Kids eat that shit up. No reason not to greenlight them.
Too...much...television! I guess I should be glad there are so many choices nowadays but there's no way I can keep up with all the genre shows.
Something something haven’t found a crevice big enough for my monster blah blah blah something something...
The Wonder Woman footage was terrific. The Suicide Squad still looks like absolute crap. Jared Leto still looks like Macauley Culkin cosplaying.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for Marc Davis or believing that he feels “stabbed in the back” considering the storied history of dirty bullshit that team has done in regards to relocation over the years.
I could barely watch that shitshow because of Kevin Smith. How many lines of coke did he do before the taping? Bug-eyed and hyper as hell...that presentation was ruined by his presence. And I usually like him.
Oberon and Titania watched by a Harridan, Mab is the Queen and there’s a good apothecary man?
I spent the first 12 summers of my life in Yosemite, as my father was a ranger there. It sickens me that the land loved by John Muir, Ansel Adams and the great Carl Sharsmith is just some pawn in business litigation by shitty people.