
You use “faggots” and “wet asshole” in the same post. Something you have been keeping secret that you want to tell the class?

It’s about fucking time.

I saw Colony and I was entertained, but underwhelmed. As a proud Lostie, my expectations for pilot episodes are pretty fucking high.

Those are not gravity waves. They are ripples of excellence spanning the cosmos as David Bowie’s spirit is dispersed throughout the universe.

Burfict more than made up for it with the hit on Brown. He and PacMan are two of the biggest dumbshits in football.

A suspected intestinal tumor turned out to be a five pound blob of undigested carnauba wax.

I call them Segway Boards, just like Russell Crowe does. They don’t hover. They’re like a Segway without a handle.

Her name should be Joan Barrowwoman.

The main character, the LEAD, the person the entire story (and probably trilogy) revolves around and she’s not there?

Me too. One paper towel is really enough.

White people? Either that’s a racist comment or there is a Darnell Talks or some other equally offensive stereotype that people of color can go to for life advice.

Jorvorskie? JORVORSKIE?


This article makes me sad. Sad that someone would know that all these pilots existed and could even begin to rank them.

So for this example they took a color image, turned it black and white and then used their new process to make it color again.
That’s...that’s brilliant!

That’s a nice tribute. Pratchett should be proud of Rhianna.

When will the whole thing kick off though? Southern California has seen a sprinkle or two so far.

At least one Philadelphia GM doesn’t have his head stuffed completely up his own ass.

So much gratifaction.

Desmond Hume, Benjamin Linus, Juliet Burke, Daniel Faraday, Miles Straume, Eloise Hawking and Frank Lapidus.