
If the PT killed wood paneling, perhaps it was worth it after all

They just wrapped up a special a couple days ago (I think it ran since November?) for a $6.49 “Pizza Baked Spaghetti” (nice layer of melted cheese and pepperoni over the top) which came with 15 bonus rewards points on top of the 6 that you get for the purchase price

People who say “don’t judge a book by the cover” have not read enough books

This “subtle” “not giving a fuck” has all the subtlety of an air raid siren

Only deal on their app worth a damn, their coupons have gone to hell over the past year

At the very start of the year rates were barely above zero


given that Musk’s newest cost-cutting measure is “not paying bills” he could very well be slurping Elon just long enough to see the check clear

People who say “don’t judge a book by the cover” have not read nearly enough books

It’s not a “fringe” anymore...this IS the GOP now

While Zuck remains in charge? Zero percent

I couldn’t fucking believe it when I found out HE was the guy from Godspell

With crypto crashing and the broader economy slowing, you can probably buy it at half-price in a year or so

It’s a feature, not a bug

It’s gonna be awesome to watch them jump on board the Binance train right before it also goes over the cliff

People just chalk rent or a car payment up as a “monthly expense” to be paid in perpetuity, rather than even try to think about saving up to buy outright

You were expecting better from the article author?

Poe’s Law would be in full effect on those costumes

I’m sure at least a few trumptards were stupid enough to buy these, but this whole thing smells like money laundering

They’ll whine and moan, but when push comes to shove they’ll vote for him again