
Which means he’s already found a buyer

I hate to break it to you, but it was a bad haircut even before the neo-nazis turned it into a badge of douche-holery

the suspenders really make the character

The deals on BK’s app are pretty terrible, but when there IS a good one, you are allowed to use both a deal AND points at the same time


Likes and retweets are just as good as votes, right?

I regularly go back to the kiosk after 30-60 minutes to use another deal (“$1 for a large fry, no min purchase required” is my customary second), but then again I also usually take my time at the restaurant, reading a book or watching YouTube on my laptop

A perfect blockchain, the most beautiful blockchain anyone has even seen

*chef kiss*

Tesla still has plenty farther to fall

And then for maximum hilarity, Week 3's deals are just Week 1 on repeat

There’s a difference between “I would not buy this car” and “nobody should buy this car”....what kind of company puts on this kind of hoopla for a car which is apparently pre-destined to flop?

And looking a little deeper, the offer later this week is a complete joke

The BOGO chicken sandwiches to start off this week were a pretty sweet deal (or the BOGO Big Mac from last week if that’s your jam), but it’s really hard to top the “20% off your order” baseline deal continually on offer

“pronounced cheekbones” and “sunken cheeks” are definitely not the same thing

Poe’s Law remains undefeated

Thanks, I hate it!

Now playing

“What does that mean? Honestly, whatever the hell you want it to mean....or more accurately, whatever you need it to mean.”

determining sellers are delisting their properties because they’re not getting offers at their preferred price—or in some cases, no offers at all

Dirt Bag is routinely filled with the most vapid and/or boring celebrity bullshit, so I take it as a good sign when I fail to recognize half of the names contained therein